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September 30, 2020

Chris Wallace is a Disgrace
And Fox News May Very Well be Threatening Staffers Who Point This Fact Out

Bonchie at RedState:

The debate was about what you would expect. Trump was overly aggressive while Biden lied and relied on the moderator to save him continuously. That wasn't supposed to happen. This was Fox News, and Chris Wallace is supposed to be a serious newsman. He was anything but that, though.

As the night wore on, Wallace grew more and more hostile, refusing to let Trump answer questions at times, asking slanted questions that benefitted Biden, and not bringing up topics that would have been beneficial to the President. At one point, Wallace even joked with Biden about Trump supposedly ranting, which was really just Trump trying to answer a question, in what was one of the most unprofessional displays by a moderator I've seen.

Here's some more of the play by play to give you an idea if you didn't watch it yourself.

Biden doesn't support the Green New Deal.

Oh, Wallace got that out of him?

No, Trump did.

Oh, well, did Wallace clarify what parts of Green New Deal Biden is against?

No, needed to move on...

-- Andy McCarthy (@AndrewCMcCarthy) September 30, 2020

I was going out of my head with Chris Wallace declaring the urgent "NEED TO MOVE ON" every single time Trump was effectively attacking Biden.

We NEED TO MOVE ON from every single issue that Republicans find interesting, in order to discuss the issues that Democrats -- such as red diaper baby Chris Wallace -- find interesting.

No, we can't talk about Hunter Biden's receipt of three and a half million dollars from the richest woman in Russia, the ex-wife of a former mayor of Moscow.

Even though the media -- including leftwinger Chris Wallace -- considered RUSSIAN INTERFERENCE the only story that mattered for three and a half of the last four years, now that we've got Hunter Biden taking millions of Russian money, we NEED TO MOVE ON.

Move on to what?

Why -- to Global Warming, of course!


Wallace in a nutshell: Excuse me! Excuse me! Nobody cares about the things you're talking about, Mr. President. The American people want to know where the two of you stand on the issues that matter to them. Now, Mr. President, how much did you pay in taxes in 2016?

More Bonchie:

One of the worst moments of the night was Chris Wallace pretending as if he doesn't know what Critical Race Theory is and trying to needle Trump for opposing it.

I believe Chris Wallace does know what Critical Race Theory is. He just supports it, and therefore wants to do the Motte and Bailey defense of it:

The motte-and-bailey fallacy (named after the motte-and-bailey castle) is a form of argument and an informal fallacy where an arguer conflates two positions which share similarities, one modest and easy to defend (the "motte") and one much more controversial (the "bailey").[1] The arguer advances the controversial position, but when challenged, they insist that they are only advancing the more modest position.[2][3] Upon retreating to the motte, the arguer can claim that the bailey has not been refuted (because the critic refused to attack the motte)[1] or that the critic is unreasonable (by equating an attack on the bailey with an attack on the motte).[4]

This is such a common logical fallacy offered by leftists that they don't even know it's a fallacy-- they just think it's how people argue.

Critical Race Theory gets its foot in the door by saying, "What's wrong with teaching people some sensitivity?"

And then, once they get hired by a corporation or a government, they have white people standing alone in front of a group being forced (on pain of being derailed in your career) to Confess Their White Sins.

It's a literal Maoist struggle session.

Chris Wallace pretends he doesn't know that -- because he's playing the Motte and Bailey game with CRT.

It's a thoroughly dishonest, and thoroughly leftist, tacitc.

And Chris Wallace -- who reports FACTS, not OPINIONS! -- is only too eager to deploy it.

And that's because Chris Wallace agrees with this leftwing Maoist goal of endlessly denigrating white people and treating them as lower than second class citizens.

Chris Wallace, like all other left-liberals, thinks that white people should be discriminated against.

Except themselves, of course. Interestingly, most of the very white people who support this shit are too rich to be negatively impacted by a reimposition of Jim Crow.

Conveniently enough!

But perhaps the biggest abdication of Wallace's duty involved the very beginning of the debate. Biden was asked if he supports packing the court, one of the most damaging, consequential possibilities in modern American history. When Biden refused to answer the question, Wallace simply moved on. When Trump tried to press, Biden told him to shut up and Wallace just let it happen. It was astonishing to watch.

Wallace also never demanded that Biden condemn BLM or antifa -- despite himself demanding that Trump condemn the "white supremacists" in Kenosha -- and did not press Biden's claim that antifa was "just an idea, not an organization."

Apparently it's "just an idea" that's burning down your business and gunning people down in the street.

More at the link, including reactions in tweet form.

It was so bad that even fellow Fox hosts Brian Kilmeade and Greg Gutfeld felt the need to risk being fired to criticize Chris Wallace.

Kilmeade tweeted, "Why is @JoeBiden allowed to interrupt? @realDonaldTrump is not."

Gutfeld, in response to a tweet that said that Wallace was laughing along with Biden wasn't a good look, tweeted, "That was not good."

Andrew McCarthy, a Fox News contributor, also criticized Wallace, as seen in the tweet quoted from the Bonchie article, above.

Now, Kilmeade has deleted his criticism of Wallace. Whether that was out of professional respect or the corporate enforcers of Fox telling him to delete it or face consequences, I don't know. I'd imagine that even if it was his own decision, it was a decision informed by the knowledge that Fox News is a censorious corporate cult and does not permit any Wrongthink outside the narrow corridor of neoliberal Acela-corridor ruling-class-supporting thought.

Had enough yet?

We NEED TO MOVE ON from Fox.

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posted by Ace at 12:00 PM

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