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September 21, 2020
Bitchfight! Keith Olbermann Has a Category 5 Hissyfit Over Fellow Former MSNBC Host Chris Matthews' Muted Praise of Trump
Chris Matthews said that Trump had acted "presidential" in offering praise for former Supreme Court Justice, current corpse Ruth Delayer Ginsburg.
Keith Olbermann had a meltdown at the idea of anyone offering begrudging praise to any Republican:

He's referring to Chris Matthews offering grudging praise of Bush's political theatrics in landing the jet on the aircraft carrier. He means that Chris Matthews has offered minor praise to theater/atmospheric effects of two Republicans, and that's two too many.
It wasn't just Keith Olbermann who had a meltdown. Former Clinton spokesliar Joe Lockhart and sallow hag Joy Behar also had conniptions.
If our Moral and Intellectual Betters (TM) say that it is a sin to offer any common courtesy whatsoever to their political enemies, who are we to dispute their wisdom?