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September 21, 2020
While the US and Most of Europe Locked Down and Destroyed Their Economies, Sweden Stayed Open -- and Now Has Herd-Immunity and Only Fourteen People in ICU for Covid
Trust your Elites.
Worship them, even.
Pray to your New Gods of Incompetence and Twitter Snark.
In the global battle against the pandemic, few countries drew as much scrutiny and frequent criticism as Sweden during the early days. While the United States and most of Europe shut down their economies and put everyone on lockdown, the Swedes largely went about their business with no mandates for the wearing of masks or prohibitions on public gatherings. Sweden initially experienced a surge of novel coronavirus cases as compared to its neighbors. And then it felt like we stopped hearing about them quite so much. So what's been going on?
As this report from the Associated Press indicates, what’s been going on has largely been... not much, at least in terms of the virus. Sweden only made slight modifications to its policies after the initial surge, but largely stuck with the herd immunity strategy. And now, just as much of Europe is experiencing a second surge in cases, Sweden has some of the lowest numbers in all of Europe. So did their herd immunity strategy actually work?
Among Sweden's population of ten million, they currently have a total of 14 people in ICU beds fighting COVID. In the past two weeks, they have reported 30.3 new COVID-19 cases per 100,000 people. By comparison, Spain is at 292.2 and France reports 172.1. That's a rather startling difference.
This should leave us to wonder if that wasn’t the ideal solution from the beginning. If we had locked down the nursing homes and provided relief to everyone over the age of 55 so they could stay home, along with anyone with a doctor's note saying they had underlying respiratory or immune system issues, could we have just left the rest of the economy running?
Meanwhile, former (attempted) humor magazine Cracked is now declaring that South Park shouldn't do an episode on covid, because there's just no place for comedy In These Trying Times.
One of the most amazing accomplishment of Trump is turning all of these low-level neurotics and hysterics into absolutely insane melt-brains who effectively all announce, "We're no longer interested in doing our actual jobs, we are converting this corporation into an adjunct of Biden for President."
Now This is Comedy:
18 Watching the Trump coference/gaggle in front of the spooling turbo jets. He said to a reporter, 'sorry about youre toupee '
Ahaha. Incredible.
So Trump
Posted by: Redenzo
I can't wait for the video of that.