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September 03, 2020

Portland Assassin Claiming It Was "Self-Defense" That Caused Him to Run Up to a Stranger and Murder Him
Vice Website Promoting This Justification of Reprisal-Killings; Social Media Is Allowing

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You can see from the videotape that all was quiet-- and there was no violence of any kind -- until this murderer crept up on an innocent civilian and executed him in the street.

There were no gunshots until the shooter's gunshots. There were no cries of alarm. There were no running footsteps. There were no horns, there were no crashes, there were no shouts, there were no curses, there were no yelps.

There were precious few people on the scene at all until a group of antifa/BLM rioters surrounded the victim.

And then this premeditated murderer just shot an innocent man walking on the street in the head.

It was a reprisal killing, as they had in Hutu-Tsutsi civil war.

And the leftwing media is promoting the reprisal killings.

In a teaser for the video set to air Thursday night, Reinoehl told VICE: "You know, lots of lawyers suggest that I shouldn't even be saying anything, but I feel it's important that the world at least gets a little bit of what's really going on. I had no choice. I mean, I, I had a choice. I could have sat there and watched them kill a friend of mine of color. But I wasn't going to do that."

Reinoehl, 48, claims to have been providing "security" at Black Lives Matter protests. He has previously declared "I am 100% ANTIFA" on social media.

This sounds an awful lot like the words of a man seeking to assassinate random targets:

"We are currently living through a crucial point in Humanities evolution. We truly have an opportunity right now to fix everything. But it will be a fight like no other! It will be a war and like all wars there will be casualties," he wrote on Instagram.

Is he going to plead that he was defending "Humanities [sic] evolution"?

As Jack Posobiec points out, Twitter banned Kyle Rittenhouse's lawyer from claiming he was innocent as that "glorified violence," but is permitting Vice to claim that this assassin was acting in "self-defense" when he picked out a target, approached him, and murdered him.

Leftwing media organizations, Vice in this case, and leftwing social media organizations like Twitter are legitimizing murders as justifiable political reprisals.

They have fomented the Civil War.

Chuck Ross asks: Kyle Rittenhouse was charged within hours.

Why is this motherfucker out free and uncharged, giving interviews?

If the State of Portland is now selectively permitting murders, then the state of Portland is no longer a state, but a state in insurrection and therefore unincorporated territory under direct control of the US government.

Recent Comments
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