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September 03, 2020
Quarantine Cafe: Recommendations Wanted
Any movies, TV shows, books or other diversions you'd like to recommend to your fellow Morons?
Right now I'm reading Hag's Nook by John Dickson Carr, one of his Gideon Fell detective stories.
I haven't read enough to recommend it yet. I've read a previous locked-room-puzzle story of his. I found the atmosphere and the tension very well done. But I found the actual locked-room-puzzle pretty silly and gimmicky.
I have a feeling that's his schtick -- good atmosphere, often with a nightmarish/supernatural charge (despite the fact that his mysteries are firmly in a non-supernatural universe, so the atmosphere of supernatural peril is just fog and shadows), but contrived, over-clever solutions to Impossible Murders that literally no one would ever think of, nevermind attempt.
The atmospherics are very well done, though!