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April 08, 2020
Bloomberg News -- Heavily Partnered With Communist China -- Springs Into Cash-Money Action to Defend... The Wet Markets Widely Believed to Have Been the Petri Dish For Multiple Plagues
Mike Bloomberg has freely admitted he censors news and pushes angles to please his Chinese partners.
China put up the Bat Soup Signal and Batberg springs into action.
So, here you go. A defense of wet markets.
Here's how the Communist Chinese agent Bloomberg News reports on Vice President Pence's statement that food workers are "vital" and that we need them to "do their jobs" if we're to get through this:
Investigations. I want to know all of the business and government "contacts" Mike Bloomberg and all of his senior staff have had with China.
Expect a lot of the corporate sponsored fake "journalists" explaining why it's Unamerican to produce pharmaceuticals in America the moment the crisis has passed.
If you remember, Democrats stopped openly hating America after 9/11... for about six months. When they got their courage back, they hated America as much as ever.
The corporate sponsored "journalists" know they can't make a fulsome case to keep critical industries in the hands of the Chinese communist government right now, but in a couple of months, when Peter Navarro starts making the case to bring basic medicine and medical equipment production back home, they're gonna shit.