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April 07, 2020
"Two Fat Professors" Worry That The Real Damage Caused by Coronavirus Is... An Increased Risk of "Fatphobia"
We've met the "Two Fat Professors" before.
Meet the two professors leading the way in 'fat studies'
Two professors at a midwestern university are working to develop and legitimize the field of "fat studies," a discipline that examines the cultural and sociological phenomenon of overweight and obese human beings.
Laurie Cooper Stoll, a professor of sociology, and Darci Thoune, an associate professor of English, are both leading scholarly research in this field from the University of Wisconsin -- La Crosse. Their website, "Two Fat Professors," declares that the academics are "fighting fatphobia with education, community-building and a lot of sass."
One describes xerself as a "Queer-mo academic with way leftist leanings who likes to eat."
So, you can probably guess the broad outlines of the what they have to say.
It turns out that the real problem caused by coronavirus isn't deaths and the destruction of the economy.
Rather, the problem with coronavirus is that it increases "fatphobia."
Two University of Wisconsin-La Crosse professors who call themselves the "Two Fat Professors" are concerned that coronavirus is causing "fatphobia."
Darci Thoune, author of "Am I Fat" in the International Fat Studies Handbook, recently published a blog post on the website twofatprofessors.com. The piece titled "Diet Culture at the End of the World" outlines Thoune's opinion regarding "weight gain during the Covid-19 crisis."
Thoune wrote her piece, "Diet Culture at the End of the World," in response to the many "number of posts that have popped up on [her] social media sites addressing fears about weight gain." According to the professor, these posts "shame viewers for: not going to the gym, eating 'too much,' for getting fat, and for not starving ourselves at the end of the world" and are representative of a problematic "diet culture."
The blog post repeatedly refers to those who are cognizant of their weight, as part of "diet culture." Thoune criticizes those who speak out against weight gain and characterize it as "dangerous," saying they feed "into a system of fatphobia that oppresses and abuses so many."
Remember, we're paying these people. Not just through subsidies to their worthless schools, but I imagine the NIH (or NIMH) is funding their "scientific inquiries" into the totally-a-real-thing "fatphobia."
I just got started hitting the weights again. I can barely lift anything. Oh well, I hear it comes back faster than it took to put it on the first time.