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Saturday Afternoon Chess thread 03-21-2020 »
March 21, 2020
Stay Calm and Comment in Place

The headline this Twitter rando is commenting on is from Ramesh Ponuru's employer Bloomberg Propaganda, claiming that chloroquine, the drug which seems to have cured coronavirus in 75% of people it was administered to, may KILL YOU (if taken in an extremely high dose).
Virus drug touted by Trump, [Elon] Musk Can Kill With Just Two Grams
Psst, assholes:
Virtually all drugs will kill you given a sufficiently high dosage. Alcohol will kill you, acetaminophen will kill you (even the non-tainted kinds from places other than China). Even water will kill you, in a high enough dose.
As a Tweet said: The media has finally reached the "Trump walks on water, proving that he never learned how to swim" phase.
Weird, it's almost as if some people are rooting for millions of Americans, whom they hate, to die, so they can throw open the borders again and replace the despised Old Americans with New and Improved Non-American Americans.
They're the enemies of the people and will be treated as such.
Dr. Guy P. Benson of the Stuttgart Institute of Infectious Diseases has now decided to caution against "inciting unnecessary panic."