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March 20, 2020
DHS Secretary Wolf: Claims That We're on the Verge of a "National Lockdown" Are Fake News
Probably in response to crap like this:
...as well MACEDONIAN CONTENT FARMERS sending around fake viral texts about a coming shutdown.
Prediction: The media will not attempt to stamp out these viral rumors nor will they repeatedly announce that they are false. They will instead suggest that maybe they're true, who knows?
Other stuff:
Taiwan accuses China of a coronavirus cover-up. And the WHO -- often believed to be dominated by the Chinese -- assisted in the cover up.
Taiwan is blaming the World Health Organization’s relationship with China for its failure to act on early warnings of human-to-human transmission of coronavirus.
Taiwanese health officials alerted WHO of the infectivity of coronavirus in late December 2019, but the organization failed to report the claims to other countries, according to a Financial Times report.
Weeks after receiving Taiwan's warning, on Jan. 14, WHO repeated China's claim that coronavirus was not contagious among humans.
Here's something else a commenter linked: the Daily Mail has gotten photos of the Andrew Gillum Meth Party via Freedom of Information request.
Before I link it, I'll caution you: The pictures feature bedsheets, and the bedsheets are soiled.
I've never said this before but it's a grim tableau.
This site publishes pictures which are claimed to be an unconscious, naked Gillum on the floor. I don't know if they're real. The nudity is blurred out -- dixelated.
The bedsheet pictures are worse. A grim tableau indeed.
I had asked earlier, "Where's Sundown Joe?" Why isn't Biden talking a lot during this moment of crisis? He says he's the leader we need to get us through this -- so where is he?
Tami supplied the fake news answer from Biden's camp:
Joe Biden says he is "desperately" looking to be in regular contact with the American public, perhaps with regular press conferences in Wilmington, Del., or using technology. "They tell me there's ways we can do teleconferencing via us all being in different locations," he says.
So he really wants to appear to us on the computer but, like many very old people, he can't figure out FaceTime?
All Biden does is call upon Trump to do things Trump has already done.
Mind's slipping, you know? He has his bad days, and then he has his... not quite so good as his bad days days.
Jordan Schaechtel says that the worst case scenarios that the media and "experts" are panicking us with are not actually borne out by the data so far: