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Tuesday Overnight Open Thread (3/10/20) Content. What Content Edition? »
March 10, 2020
Mini Super Tuesday Results Thread
Biden is leading in polls in all states voting today. The big question is not whether Biden wins, but if he wins so conclusively as to end the race and save himself from having to debate Bernie Sanders.
Dem debate March 15 in Arizona will have no audience.
First I thought this meant, "Well they've abandoned the 'Town Hall' format, which Biden had pitched so he could sit down during the thing."
But then I realized: I'm 100% wrong.
This format change GUARANTEES that Sundown Joe will be permitted to sit.
You don't stand at podiums without an audience.
If it's just Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, and three ringers from the establishment liberal press, then it's going to be held around a conference table.
Again, no one stands at a podium to address no one but a camera (unless you're doing the SOTU response and you want to pretend you're addressing an audience).
This is the Establishment Media going all-in to save Sundown Joe.
And National Review will be right there with them.