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March 10, 2020
Harvey Weinstein "Injured" in Jail While Hillary Clinton Remains At Large
Plus: National Review Takes First Step Towards Its Stunning and Brave Future Endorsement of Joe Biden
I believe this is Stage One of Rapid Onset Epstein Syndrome.
Convicted rapist Harvey Weinstein fell sometime Sunday morning while at Rikers Island jail, his spokesperson Juda Englemayer told CNN.
Englemayer said Weinstein was dizzy before he fell.
"Harvey says his head throbs all the time and thinks he has a concussion. He has not been officially diagnosed," Englemayer said.
After Weinstein was convicted of sex crimes February 24, paramedics determined he had a heart issue and transported him to Bellevue Hospital in Manhattan.
Weinstein, 67, had a heart procedure last Wednesday during which doctors inserted a stent, Engelmayer told CNN recently. He was moved Thursday to the infirmary unit at Rikers Island, New York's main jail complex, Engelmayer said.
National Review's Editors Blame Coronavirus on Trump, Come Very Close to Flat-Out Saying That the Virus Vindicates Their Three Years of Lunatic Conspiracy Theories
At the same time, however, it is important that the president’s defenders not be blinded by partisanship of their own into excusing failures of leadership and diminishing the danger of the epidemic itself. This can be particularly difficult because some of the most significant inadequacies of the administration have been the president’s own. So far in this crisis, Donald Trump himself has obviously failed to rise to the challenge of leadership, and it does no one any favors to pretend otherwise.
This presidential behavior is all too familiar. It is how he has gotten through scandals and fiascos for more than three years in office. But those were all essentially political in nature, and most were self-created. The country has been lucky in the Trump era, largely avoiding the sorts of major, unforeseen crises that make the greatest demands of the modern presidency. That luck has now run out, and this demands a new level of seriousness from the president and those around him.
President Trump needs to rise to this challenge. His partisan adversaries are sure he can’t. We hope he proves them wrong.
National Review BREAKING: Bad Orange Man Still Bad, Orange
I notice it's always Trump's "defenders" who have to remove the scales from their eyes and repent, and never Trump's lunatic accusers -- like National Review -- who have flogged one insane conspiracy theory after another, all the while grifting money from well-heeled Corporate Class donors.
And Google.
I wonder, is National Review ever going to make itself accountable for its own disastrous errors and lies? Or is accountability only for the people you're being paid to attack?
A friend remarks that this is part of National Review's first steps to prepare its audience for its endorsement of Joe Biden.
Trump was just "lucky" that the FusionGPS-fabricated, National Review promoted conspiracy theories turned out to be false.
Just lucky!
Not that National Review was wrong to claim that the president is a Russian asset -- no, that's still accurate. It's just that Trump was "lucky" enough to beat the rap.