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January 22, 2020
The Morning Report - 1/22/20
Good morning kids. Wednesday and the big story is, of course, the sham-peachment "trial" in the Senate where the top items in that category are a breaking/developing story that Adam Schiff-for-Brains is reported to have "mischaracterized" evidence, specifically involving communications between Lev Parnas and Rudy Giuliani in order to attempt to show the President guilty of withholding Ukraine aid. I can hear a chorus of myriad Claude Rains' shouting "I'm shocked!" coming from my USB port. Let's see if Cocaine Mitch hit his "kill switch." I tend to doubt that, but still, the superstar defense team of Pat Cipollone and Jim Jordan are going to be wiping the Senate floor with that beady-eyed little paskudnyak over this and more for the duration. And speaking of kill switches, after a marathon session of "debate", meaning Democrats lying through their teeth and the GOP pimp-slapping them mercilessly, the Senate passed Cocaine Mitch's ground rules, denying the Dems' the opportunity to hijack the proceedings and turn this into another Justice Kavanaugh fiasco.
Besides wanting to ding the President and his associates as loudly and as long as possible as the 2020 election season heats up, knowing that he is more than likely going to crush whoever their candidate is, they had hoped they could get four seemingly vulnerable Senators - McSally, Tillis, Collins and Perdue - to "Flake" out and give them the 51 votes needed to thwart McConnell and effectively hand this over to Schemer and company (this is also Tim Scott's observation [see last link]). Those four realized that doing so would also doom them to defeat next November. It would also hand control of the Senate back over to the Dems for the next four years and effectively stop Trump from reshaping the judiciary, especially the Supreme Court if Ruth Bader Meinhoff final descends to the Infernal Reaches to join Hugo Black. That is if he'll let a Jew sit next to him, but I digress. The other assumption that they are counting on is that the House will remain in their hands and along with thwarting whatever legislative agenda the President has, they will theoretically have the votes to impeach him again, this time with the pressure in theory to get the RINOs and squishes in the Senate to actually convict.
But you know what that sounds like? The conversations in the buknker between Hitler and Albert Speer, looking over the architectural models of Berlin when they achieve the promised endsieg... even as Russian artillery pounds the ground above them and concrete dust falls on their heads. Even Mittelschmerz Pee-Air Defecto knows to keep his forked tongue sheathed if they want to survive politically, much as they hate Trump (the people of Utah are kind of fed up with him, but that's another story). The reality is this is not a midterm election, and given the American people's disgust at the Dems over this, as well as enthusiasm over Trump's accomplishments including the greatest economic boom in American history, not only will the Senate remain in GOP hands but more than likely they will retake the House as the 30 or so freshman Dems from districts Trump took in 2016 who went along with Palsi von Poligrip on this kamikaze mission will be kicked to the curb and wonder what fell on them. Inshalla.
In any case, other key links include White House Counsel Pat Cipollone destroying Jerry Nadless as well as accusing Schiff-for-Brains of other malfeasance stemming from that closed door confab in the House basement, Jay Sekulow using the Pencil-Neck's own words to hoist him on his own petard, Lindsey Graham fisking the beady-eyed fuck in real time, and Jim Jordan dismantling their entire "House" of cards piece by piece.
As delicious as it is to witness this, it is sobering and depressing to have to endure the Democrats utterly trashing the rule of law, comity, tradition and any chance of reconciliation between what is more than likely a disunited people, seemingly forever. Michael Goodwin is right about the Founders rolling in their graves. Frankly, they've been doing that for close to 200 years; it's just now they're doing it so fast the Iranians can use them to enrich uranium.
- New Documents Show Schiff-for-Brains Mischaracterized Evidence In Impeachment, Report Suggests
- Senate Passes Cocaine Mitch's Trial Rules After More Than 12 Hours of Debate (mostly Dem blathering and GOP pimp-slapping them - jjs)
- Powerful NRSC Ad Exposes "Impeachment Sham," Urges Republicans to "Hold the Line" (looks like they did - jjs)
- Jay Sekulow Demolishes Schiff-for-Brains on Executive Privilege... by Quoting Him
- White House Counsel Nukes Jerry Nadless: "This Is the United States Senate. You're Not in Charge Here"
- Pat Cipollone Claims Schiff Is Still Holding Back Evidence From Trump Defense Team In SCIF
- Trump's Legal Team: There Is No Crime So Senate Must Acquit
- Jim Jordan Dismantles Entire Dem Impeachment Case: "These Four Facts Will Never Change, No Matter How Long Jerry Nadler and Adam Schiff Talk"
- Comedy Gold! Maizie Hirohito Sez, (get this), It's a "Conspiracy Theory" to Think Dems Were Out to Get Trump
- Schiff-for-Brains: Trump "Guilty" if Senate Rejects Democrats' Demand for New Witnesses, Evidence
- Sen. Graham Roasts Schiff-for-Brains In Real-Time After He Just Contradicted Himself While Speaking With Reporters
- McCaughey: Behind the White House's Impeachment Battle Plans
- Schiff-for-Brains Would Be the Last Person to Get a GOP Senator to "Cross Over"
- Goodwin: Cuck Schemer, Dems Have Founding Fathers Rolling in Their Graves (more or less since before the Civil War - jjs)
- Jerry Nadless' Fatal Mistake on Impeachment
- Sen. Tim Scott: Dems Want a Vote on Witnesses Just to Oust Vulnerable Republicans
- Leak Culture Protects the Powerful (depends... if you're a Dem or not - jjs)
I didn't know stupidity was contagious. I guess I was wrong.
- Bribem Campaign Video Features Ukrainian Activist Who Said Hunter "Did a Very Bad Thing" (over the cliff goes Wile E. Girl-Groper... - jjs)
More revelations from Project Veritas on Bernie's true believers, and an essay that I agree with except for the fact that unless and until we can wrest control of the schools and prevent more mind-numbed robots from becoming Socialist pod people, we'll be fighting this same battle again an again for all time. Unless they do indeed one day capture the country.
- Another Bernie Apparatchik Allegedly Promotes Violence: Kill the Rich, Put Republicans in Camps
- Project Veritas: Bernie Sandersnista Apparatchik Says "Guillotine the Rich'
- Feel the Purge... er, Bern
- Democrats Seek Civil War, But Will Get Revolution
Whoa! Fauxca-Has-Been's papoose-nik got money from the mullahs to make a movie? Hello, collusion! Puerto Ricans fed up with their governor's thievery and incompetence, if Bro-Fo Omar/Nur doesn't get nailed for corruption she could get booted for immigration fraud (yeah, wishful thinking), and Hillary Clinton was shocked! Shocked!
- Breaking Bombshell: Elizabeth Wigwam's Son-in-Law Produced Film Funded by Iranian Government
- Protesters in Puerto Rico Call for Governor's Resignation After Aid Found in Warehouse
- Why Criminal Prosecution Might Be the Least of Bro-Fo Omar/Nur's Legal Concerns
- Hillary Clinton Says She Had No Way of Knowing About Weinstein Allegations, But Her Campaign Was Warned
Trump effect as Mexico gets real with Honduran invaders, Joey Bribem suddenly has no problem with drunk drivers killing people despite what happened to his wife and kid, NYC has 200 foreign murderers running loose because, sanctuary!, korporate kronies have the sadz over immigration reform depriving them of cheap labor, Illinois election board admits to a handful of illegals voting in 2018, which means it has to be many times more than that, Trump targets birth tourism, and Lloyd Billingsley on Democrats aiding document fraud which allows violence and mayhem.
- Rocks, Tear Gas, and Riot Shields: Mexico Blocks Advancing Migrant Caravan
- Joe Bribem Says He'd Fire ICE Agents Who Arrest and Deport Illegals For Drunk Driving
- Astounding: 200 NYC-Area Illegal Aliens with Ignored ICE Detainers Were Charged with Homicide
- Big Businesses Warn: Trump's Immigration Reforms Will Hurt Food Stamp, Medicaid Enrollment
- Illinois Elections Board Admits 19 Non-US Citizens Voted Illegally in 2018 (multiply that by about 10,000 - jjs)
- Foreign Influence? How Trump Can Shut Down the Birth Tourism Scam
- Democrats' Deadly "Docu"-Drama
Bernie cancels Iowa event for impeachment but he has been spotted using private jets to get back on the road. Scoldilocks sez "how dare you!" Hillary and the Sandersnista's get into it over her calling him names, Joey Bribem with the racialism, Elizabeth Fugazi promises not just binders but cabinets full of women, Deval Patrick is a day late and 40 acres and a mule short, Oregon SEIU loses political influence and bucks thanks to Janus, Dems still in total denial about 2016 and Conrad Black warns them and the Never-Trumpers to prepare to meet your doom next November.
- Bernie Sandersnista Cancels Iowa Event Due to Impeachment Schedule
- Hillary Won't Commit to Endorsing Sandersnista, Says "Nobody Likes Him"
- Toothy McBigTits AOC-Linked Group Fires Back At Hillary Clinton Over Bernie Sandersnista Comments
- Joe Bribem Throws Blacks Another Racist Dog Biscuit
- Elizabeth Hekawi Promises a Cabinet Full of Women (pfft, Mittelschmerz had binders full of them! - jjs)
- Fauxca-Has-Been Turns Back on "Latinx" in Major Campaign Departure
- Desperate Deval Patrick Announces Support for Slavery Reparations
- Oregon SEIU Reports Sharp Decline in Political Spending, After Dues Fell by $2 Million (Janus you magnificent bastard - jjs)
- The Dems Still Don't Know Why Trump Won in 2016
- Black: Trump Haters Should Prepare for Disappointment
Brazil goes after Glenn Greenwald, anti-American subversive group SPLC could get the Nick Sandmann treatment, a call to abolish very old anti-Catholic laws, Ivanka slaps Jm J Accoster hard, and is Hillary spouting a lie or is she stating a problem she wants to overcome?
- Brazil Charges American Journalist Glenn Greenwald With Cybercrimes For Publishing Leaked Texts
- "Hate Group" Lawsuit Clears Hurdle, Judeo-Christian Group Warns SPLC "Day of Reckoning" Is Coming
- It's Time to End the Bigotry of Blaine Amendments
- Ivanka Trump Swats Away CNN's Jm J Acosta Like a Bug
- Hillary Clinton: Democrats Don't Have Enough Control of Media To "Influence Americans' Thinking" (is that a lie or a desire? - jjs)
So much for that rally. Virginia Dems still going to try and take your guns. West Virginia in return will try and take all the 2A sanctuary counties. Hell, they can then call themselves Virginia and the old Virginia can be West DC.
- Virginia Democrats Give Finger to Gun Activists, Advance Gun Control; West Virginia Looks at Taking Counties From Virginia, Report Says
- America's Most Successful Human Rights Campaign: The Pro Life Movement
Despite the Sham-peachment, Trump gave another fantastic speech in Davos, beware of Farsi saboteurs and spies, US wants Chi-Coms to join nuke pact with Russkies, Norwegian government collapses over ISIS bride refugee status, Chi-Coms' designs on dark continent, on Europe's latest vicious round of Jew-hate, and an Iranian wrestler being told to take a dive rather than wrestle an Israeli is anecdotal on the hatred of the people of the mullahs.
- President Trump Touts Low Unemployment, Trade Deals in Speech at World Economic Forum
- Limbaugh: As Impeachment Trial Kicks Off, Trump Gives One of Best Speeches of His Presidency
- Iran Has Spies Across US, Officials Warn After Tehran Posts $3 Million Bounty on Trump
- US Urges China to Join Nuclear Arms Talks With Russia
- Russia Gets New Government in What Putin Calls "Major Renewal"
- Norway Government Collapses Over ISIS Bride Repatriation
- China's Colonial Transformation of Africa
- The European Left's Jew-Hate
- He Coulda Been a Contendeh, if He Hadn't Been Iranian
Hopefully there is another version of Stuxnet that the Obama Kalorama Klan won't be able to squeal about.
- Are Americans In Danger from a Possible Iranian Cyber-Offensive?
Decriminalization of drugs and the dissolution of Frisco, and Trump's slashing red tape could be the key to real progress on real infrastructure.
- The San Francisco Mess Proves Decriminalizing Drugs Doesn't Work
- Clearing a Path for New Infrastructure (Trump's cutting enviro red tape - jjs)
Dems ignore first rule of holes, and a feminazi juror might let Harvey shamble free as a perv, er, bird.
- After Disastrous Bail Reform, New York Dems Seek to End Lifetime Prison Sentences
- How a Feminist Juror's Lies Could Get Harvey Weinstein's Conviction Tossed Out
Ho Lee Fook; yellow peril alert by CDC, and Daniel Greenfield with yet more evidence that Democrat Socialism is a social disease.
- CDC Expected to Announce First US Case of "Wuhan Virus" as Outbreak Spreads
- Greenfield: Social Justice is a Social Disease - Democrat Cities Have the Highest STD Rates in America
Trump hammers the enviro-commies in Davos and the attempt to destroy oil companies getting kneecapped in the courts.
- Trump Hammers Far-Left Climate Activists In Speech, Highlights Their Failed Predictions
- Judges Explain Why They Are Knocking Down Enviro Attempts to Sue Oil Companies Into Oblivion
Idaho says no to the psycho perverts and the Left's hypocrisy about women and families.
- Idaho Joins Movement to Prevent Transgender Athletes from Competing Against Girls
- Left Claims Women Are Essential to Business But Optional to Families
Christian Toto on the next target of the cultural revolutionaries, Dennis Prager on our depressed youth and the topsy turvy world of "progressivism."
- Toto: Apu is Gone - Is Linda Belcher of Bob's Burgers Next?
- Prager: Why Are So Many Young People Unhappy?
- Progressives Treat the Unequal as Equal
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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