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January 14, 2020
A Computer Security Firm Closely Linked to Democrats Is Claiming THE RUSSKIES HACKED BURISMA!!!
Shades of Crowdstrike.
And the #FakeNews has started again.
A cybersecurity firm that is providing about half of the Democrat 2020 presidential candidates security services at cut-rate prices, claims that the Russians in November hacked into Burisma Holdings, the notoriously corrupt energy company at the center of Ukraine scandal.
According to the New York Times, the timing of the breaches suggest that the Russians could be trying to dig up "potentially embarrassing material on the Bidens," just like they did to the Clintons in 2016.
Some conservatives suspect that the Russia hacking Burisma story is another Democrat operation designed to "pre-emptively" discredit any damaging Ukraine news that reflects badly on the Bidens.
More at Deb Heine's post at AmGreatness.
More: Hillary Clinton is always ready to embrace a conspiracy theory.