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January 07, 2020
CNN Has Agreed to Pay Nick Sandmann For Its #WokeDefamation of the Covington Kid
Via Twitchy, the first Defamation Domino falls.
CNN agreed Tuesday to settle a lawsuit with Covington Catholic student Nick Sandmann.
The amount of the settlement was not made public during a hearing at the federal courthouse in Covington, Kentucky.
Sandmann’s lawsuit sought $800 million from CNN, the Washington Post and NBC Universal.
Trial dates are still not set for Sandmann's lawsuit against NBC Universal and the Washington Post.
The Washington Post suit sought $250 million. A federal judge let a portion of the suit go forward after The Post filed a motion to dismiss it.
A lawsuit is expected to be filed against Phillips, Wood said. He indicated that lawsuit would seek $5 million, but the judge said that Phillips does not have as much money as the other defendants.
I hope Lin Wood has not c*cked out and let CNN escape without issuing an apology.
I wonder when National Review and Jonah Goldberg will apologize.
Fake News
The costs are very real.