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January 03, 2020
Alexandria Donkey-Chompers May Lose Her District as New York's Congressional Delegation Shrinks
She's promoting the Census, because about 25% of her district are actually illegal aliens and nearly half --47% -- are foreign born!
But of course we allocate Congressional districts based on illegal immigrant/non-citizen populations because we live in ClownWorld where nothing makes sense.
Illegals don't like answering the census questions, just like the shy away from most contact with the government, so Alexandria Donkey-Chompers is campaigning to build "trust" for census workers, so that her illegals will report themselves to the census and her district keeps up its on-paper population.
"Our strategy is all about building trust in the community before the enumerators even come to your door," Ocasio-Cortez told THE CITY.
For Ocasio-Cortez, a full Census count is more than a matter of making sure her district gets all the funds and services i'’s due. In a sense, her own political fortunes could hang in the balance.
A review by THE CITY, building on data and analysis by The Texas Tribune, suggests Ocasio-Cortez’ district could be particularly vulnerable to undercount because a little over a quarter of those living there are non-citizens.
That’s a higher percentage than any other congressional district in the state.
New York State could lose two congressional districts. This will result in redistricting one or two existing congressional districts out of existence, and one or two Congressgrifters out of their phoney-baloney jobs.