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October 09, 2019
Allegation: Harvey Weinstein Blackmailed NBC Into Killing the Story On Him By Threatening to Reveal the Story of... Matt Lauer
And He Brought In Hillary Clinton, Too
And they didn't stop there.
They brought in the Lauer blackmail file to pressure NBC.
Weinstein had become increasingly alarmed about a story that Ronan Farrow -- then a correspondent for NBC News and most famous for being the son of Mia Farrow and Woody Allen --was vigorously pursuing about the powerful producer's long-rumored sexual predations. Weinstein had worked to suppress variations of that story for decades, and he was desperate for it to stay secret. But Farrow (along with a team at The New York Times) was closing in. Weinstein wanted to bully NBC News into killing the story. He needed leverage.
Howard pulled out several thick manila envelopes and laid out their contents on the table. The men huddled for hours, strategizing quietly. Weinstein had found a pressure point: Matt Lauer.
"Weinstein made it known to the network that he was aware of Lauer's behavior and capable of revealing it," Farrow writes in his long-awaited new book,
They also brought in their big gun: Hilary Clinton, who pressured NBC on behalf of her mega-donor.
Weinstein also attempted to leverage his long-term relationship with Hillary Clinton to pressure Farrow, he writes. In summer 2017, while Farrow was trying to lock down an interview with Clinton for his foreign policy book -- while also still working on the Weinstein story -- he received a call from Clinton's publicist, Nick Merrill, who told him that the "big story" Farrow was working on was a "concern for us."
Instapundit quotes John Nolte pointing out that Merrill was Hillary's longtime publicist, and would not likely have placed such a call except at her direct instruction.
I'm glad we have the Intellectual Elite like Kevin "Bitch-Tits" Williamson to instruct and correct us stupid populists about our childish belief that there is a Ruling Class and the Ruling Class has ways of protecting itself and advancing its own interests at the expense of those outside the Ruling Class.
By the way, apparently this book is also a coming out party for Ronan Farrow and Jon Lovett (Hillary and Barack Obama speech writer and writer of The Newsroom, that terrible Aaron Sorkin liberal pornography I mentioned earlier) are apparently lovers and want you to know all their schmoopie-doopie stuff:
When NBC News informed Farrow, to his shock, that he was "terminated," Lovett quipped, "I'll take care of you, baby. I'll keep you in finery and smoothies."
Would it be wrong for me to point out that spouses supporting each other aren't usually reported in that kind of schmoopie-pie detail?
That's not really new news -- apparently this has been known since 2018 -- but I didn't know it. I didn't have the schmoopie-pie details reported to me earlier.

posted by Ace of Spades at
04:20 PM
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