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Ol' Potato Salad Joe Storytime Hour »
August 30, 2019
Vox Getting Pretty Desperate To Get In On That "White Supremacy" Clickbait Political Operation
You might think this is a parody of the current "1619" political op, but no, this is a real attempt to jump on that 1619 click bandwagon.
Over -- and this term actually appears in the article -- "watermelon-shame."
Strange -- they tell me simultaneously that the world's going to literally end in twelve years, and ICE is literally the Nazi Gestapo, and yet have the excess Concern Carbohydrates to put energy into fretting about "watermelon-shame."
One or more of these claims must be lies.
My hand hovered over the fruit tray, about to spear a chunk of watermelon, when a white person walked up. I paused.
It didn’t matter that she was a colleague and likely focused, like I was, on getting a pre-lunch snack during a long meeting. I moved my fork carefully away from the watermelon, grazing over the pineapple, and picked strawberries instead.
Safer territory, I thought. Safer fruit.
Anxiety made me reconsider my choice. It stopped me from enjoying watermelon on a scorching Mississippi day among an unusually diverse crowd of writers at an otherwise uneventful work training. But even though I was surrounded by many black and brown faces, it was the presence of white people -- even these aware, friendly, and familiar white people -- that gave me literal pause. I didn't want to be an updated version of that Sambo figure, tap-dancing and braying in joy at a succulent watermelon wedge.
I couldn’t remember when this watermelon-shame seeped into my eating...
Yet between childhood and work meetings, something had changed. Maybe it was during the Obama era...
And when "they went low," I went watermelon-less.
It is a sobering thing to face your interior white supremacist nag....
It was strange to apprehend: I'm not as free as I thought I was.
I mean... this is both real and not at all real.
Well played, Vox.
Oh, and AllahPundit and Seth Mandel -- you continue your close twitter friendship with Vox's "White Supremacy and the GOP editor" Joan Coasten.

posted by Ace of Spades at
06:36 PM
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