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August 27, 2019
The Washington Post: After Careful Consideration, We Have Decided That White Supremacy Has Incurably Infected [Spins Wheel] the Pro-Life Movement and Therefore Now That Movement Must be #Cancelled
Isn't it a terribly odd coincidence that all the positions the Marxists hate turn out to be White Supremacy?
This White Supremacy thing just keeps working out in favor of the Marxists.
What are the odds? What lucky duckies.
This is published under the Post's super-SJW "Post Everything" vertical, where the leftist Post debuts storylines that they hope to mainstream in the next six to nine months.
How white nationalists aligned themselves with the antiabortion movement
For reproductive-rights supporters in the United States, it's long been easy to see the Republican Party's hard-line antiabortion politics as a kind of grotesque hypocrisy. How can a political body that has aligned itself against school lunches and for machine guns claim to support "life?" This juxtaposition has been particularly cruel over the past year, as revelations about the imprisonment of migrant children in concentration camps have coincided with a wave of draconian antiabortion legislation. (Just last week, a federal appeals court approved Trump administration rules cutting off federal funds from health-care providers that offer abortions or even discuss the procedure with patients, effectively slashing the budget of organizations like Planned Parenthood.) But understanding this confluence as ironic can actually mislead us. In fact, as King and his white nationalist allies have become increasingly comfortable admitting, state crackdowns on reproductive and immigrant rights are inextricably linked.
In the United States since the 1970s, the antiabortion movement has taken on a life of its own, obscuring this [alleged history as a tool for White Supremacy] until its sudden reappearance in the national spotlight. But the connection between immigration and reproduction was never lost on the movement's white nationalist fringe -- nor should it be lost on supporters of reproductive rights.
Antiabortion activists in the United States have long attempted to invert the historical relationship between eugenics and reproductive rights, suggesting those who favor reproductive rights are the real eugenicists. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, for example, recently called abortion "an act rife with the potential for eugenic manipulation," despite the lack of evidence that women of color are being encouraged to have unwanted abortions, or that practices like sex selection are happening in the United States on a discernible scale.
Margaret Sanger?
Meanwhile, a near-total abortion ban passed in Alabama in spring included language claiming that abortion was a larger-scale genocide than the Holocaust -- a sinister tactic in the antiabortion arsenal that simultaneously links these unrelated phenomena and plays down the horrors of the Shoah.
Oh, it's antisemitic too. Bonus.
This bullshit has already merited one retraction:
EDITOR’S NOTE: An earlier version of this story suggested that the author J.D. Vance lamented a falloff in white births; he was actually talking about American births.
I wonder how many more errors they'll be forced to acknowledge, and how many they'll pretend away with stealth-edits.
PS: Be sure to thank the Brave Truth Warriors at the National Review for giving oxygen to the Democrat-Media Complex's newest narrative/smear, the "White Supremacy" storyline, and helping propel it forward.
Also, congratulate them for being so smart to not realize an obvious political op was being run. Again.
Update: As I used to say, back when she was still, arguably, somebody: It's not a real story until Amanda Marcotte embarrasses herself.
Not an exaggeration to say conservatives believe white women should be forced to breed in order to maintain white supremacy.
Also important to understand that forced childbirth is viewed as a way to economically cripple women that don’t fit the middle class white housewife mold.

posted by Ace of Spades at
05:36 PM
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