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June 27, 2019
Nancy Pelosi Backs Down, Will Call House Vote on Senate Border Bill, Providing Funding For "Baby Cages," Following Revolt by So-Called "Moderates"
They had hoped to intensify the crisis they had already made by refusing funding for bedding and toiletries and then screaming "Oh my God, Trump won't give these poor Baby Inmates in Toddler Prison [as the Cosplay Conservative Allahpundit might put it] bedding and toiletries, what a monster. We must release them into the US interior immediately. But we're totally in favor of theoretical border enforcement."
The media assisted them in this latest Disinformation Campaign Against the US Voting Public, obviously.
But I guess the word got out, because social media hasn't imposed 100% censorship on conservatives.
They will once they realize that such stringent measures are necessary, and that the cucked-out tucked-under cosplay conservatives will cheer the move to deplatform their own ideological enemies.
Update: I made a huge, dumb assumption: I didn't know what the Senate bill says, other than it provides funding for humanitarian type aid, but I assumed if Nancy Pelosi was against it, it had to be better.
But I also thought, knowing the cucked-out, tucked-under corporate shills of the GOP, this might also be a bad bill.
Lurking Lurker says that's the case:
Not sure I'd call this a win. The Senate bill is awful. The house bill was horrible. So we only get awful instead of horrible.
Posted by: Lurking Lurker
I would still think this is a qualified win -- given what is possible among the pro-open-borders wing of the Republican Senate, which is most of it, if I'm being honest.

posted by Ace of Spades at
03:41 PM
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