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Sunday Morning Book Thread 06-02-2019 »
June 02, 2019
EMT 06/02/19, Tempest edition
You ever have one of those days where you over-think everything in planning the day before, then your brain turns off when you wake up?
Friday was that day for me, and I'm still trying to catch up. The most important thing got done, but through a comedy of errors and circumstance, the rest of the day and the weekend was a wash. Literally and figuratively.
It got so ridiculous that when I finally called an end to the big weekend plans at my Mom's property, I couldn't leave because the storm that blew through and ruined my Saturday goals also blew down a large tree branch over her driveway.
After much more physical and soggy labor than I cared to exert at that point I got on the road, then 40 minutes later almost got in a fight with a trucker who followed me into a truck stop after receiving disapproving sign language for spending 10 minutes blocking the passing lane. Ultimately the physical altercation he seemed bent on was broken up by some local missionaries yelling in their very Southern twang "Point that finger at the LORD, brothers!"
I mean, who can fight after a line like that? I'm a curmudgeon, but even I'm not flippin' off the Big Guy.
Plus, my feet were still wet which put me at a distinct disadvantage. Never scrap with wet feet, my Grampa should have always said.
Anyway. In the immortal words of my high school history teacher after I started explaining a stupid answer with "But I thought...":
"annnnd that's what you get for thinking, think-tank."

posted by krakatoa at
06:00 AM
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