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April 14, 2019

Sunday Overnight Open Thread (4/14/19)



The Quotes of The Day

Quote I

“I’m not a fan. I think it cheapens taxonomy as a science and an art. Taxonomy is in a rough place right now. In general, when we are not funding crucial climate change and emerging disease research, taxonomy is very low on the list.” Christian Kammerer

Quote II

It’s almost as if someone said “No one has less knowledge of science, a higher opinion of himself, and a bigger carbon footprint than Al Gore” and Kerry replies “hold my champagne, I’m going to testify as a climate change expert.” Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY)

Quote III

“I think that last voice was Eric Swalwell’s, and for your viewers that don’t know who that is, that’s a member of the Judiciary Committee and Intelligence Committee from California. “He’s running for president, which I’m sure none of your viewers are familiar with and they won’t be a year from now. So he’s trying to get attention.” Former Rep. Trey Gowdy

Quote IV

“They twisted these people. They got them in a perjury trap. They had them by the short hairs. They got them to cooperate and guess what? There was still no Russian collusion,” Geraldo Rivera


Less safe? Why we can't release illegal aliens in blue cities but they can roam free in the wilderness of TX, NM and AZ.

Maybe Senator Spartacus should listen to Cher.


Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) is a piece of shit. That is all.

‘... and for the public ultimately’


The more I hear from Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) the more I dislike her.

Presidential candidate and senator Kamala Harris revealed that she is a gun owner during an event in Iowa.

“I am a gun owner. And I own a gun for probably the reason that a lot of people do, for personal safety,” the California Democrat said. “I was a former prosecutor.”

Harris described the landscape of the Second Amendment debate as one of a false dichotomy: either you support the Second Amendment or you want to take everyone’s guns away.

Frankly I don't believe her claim of gun ownership. If she has to lie about smoking pot and listening to Rap music to pander for votes.................


It looked like it could be done on paper...............

ouch FAILS gifs bad jokes wheelchairs - 7380171264


One of the many problems with politicians is that they never have to be in the real world. Everything looks good from the governing chambers. NYC City Council condones being high on the job.

Marijuana use remains illegal in New York State, but the New York City council has voted to ban employers from testing job applicants for pot use as a condition of employment. Though the new law exempts certain employers from the ban, including transportation firms and federal contractors obligated to test for drugs, the council’s action is virtually unprecedented. Some courts in other states have ruled that workers using marijuana under medical supervision can’t be fired, but no other jurisdiction has so broadly banned preemployment testing. Advocates say that the new law will end the “stigma” associated with pot use, and they claim that testing for marijuana isn’t a good predictor of employee performance. But as with many of the arguments for legalization, these are dubious claims. The council’s action ignores substantial and growing evidence from scientific journals of pot’s negative effects, especially on younger people. And by telling employers whom they must hire, the council disregards the costs that marijuana use can inflict on a workplace.

If I was a business owner and I knew someone was high or getting high on the job I would find a way to terminate that employee.


American Descendants of Slavery and the call for reparations.

On the surface, #ADOS, which stands for the American Descendants of Slavery, sounds like a hashtag for Black empowerment, perhaps a call to arms. However, dig through more than three tweets, and you’ll likely leave with more questions than answers as to what ADOS is really all about.

Founded by controversial social media figures Yvette Carnell and Antonio Moore late last year, the ADOS hashtag—as well as its corresponding movement—asks the government to address the plight of African Americans who were directly connected to U.S. slavery through a list of a number of reparation demands, like reinstituting voting protections, offering a healthcare credit, forgiving student loan debt, and securing 15 percent of Small Business Administration loans for descendants of slaves. These, among others on the list, are reparation demands many Black Americans would find reasonable.


My internet service. I thought it was shitty because I lived in the middle of nowhere. But could it be because of government rules and regs?

The Left continues to insist that we have few broadband internet access options because installing wires is too expensive. All that digging and nailing posts must be super-expensive, they reason.

In reality, the cost of having government intervene in a market is that it distorts the market, and with all governments broke, they are not about to give up on a possible lucrative source of revenue like licensing.


Well, this should make Max Boot, Bill Kristol and all of the other armchair generals jack off with delight.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has told the Chilean broadcaster Mega TV that every single tool for what he described as US efforts “to restore democracy” in Venezuela remains on the table. He confirmed that military intervention is still an option amid the ongoing political crisis in which Washington has backed self-proclaimed president Juan Guaido and denounced Nicolas Maduro.

According to him “every single tool, every single option remains on the table” even though the Lima Group of Latin American countries has rejected such a scenario and the US lacks support for such a measure from the United Nations Security Council.


The rules never apply to The Clintons.

Bill and Hillary Clinton tried to bully a prestigious scholarship program into selecting Chelsea Clinton’s then-boyfriend and then sought "payback" when they were resisted, according to a former top foreign policy adviser to Barack Obama.

The episode took place nearly 19 years ago but has fresh resonance after revelations last month of multimillion-dollar bribes paid by parents to get their children into elite colleges, including Stanford University, which Chelsea Clinton and her then-boyfriend Jeremy Kane attended. Among those recently implicated was Michelle Obama's former tennis coach.

Speaking of the Arkansas Refuse the ultimate grifters........Bill & Hillary on tour. I would rather have a prostate biopsy.

Thursday night marked the kickoff, in New York City, of their national speaking tour. Billed as “a one-of-a-kind conversation with two individuals who have helped shape our world … [and who offer] remarkable insight into where we go from here,” the event simply underscored why Hillary lost: Over-promise, under-deliver, avoid accountability, and expect the masses to nonetheless be satisfied.

My ticket, a third-row seat in the balcony, cost $210. This bought me 90 minutes of longtime Clinton lackey Paul Begala launching such softballs as:

Is the two-state solution dead?
What is happening to American politics?
How did it feel to watch the bin Laden raid?
Why are the Dems losing rural voters?
How did you raise such an amazing daughter?


Did. Not. See. This. Coming.

New Zealand Police Expecting Massive Non-Compliance
Under New Zealand’s new mandatorybuyback confiscation law, owners of semi-automatic firearms have until September 30 to turn them in. But based on this Reuters report, authorities are expecting only a fraction of those who own the newly outlawed guns to comply.


So what is new in the world of taxation? A proposal to tax your porn. H/T redc1c4

The pornography (porn) industry is worth almost $100 billion. Laws that banned porn were struck down more than 50 years ago, so in all 50 states, you can download adult content all you want. Or consume porn the old-fashioned way by reading dirty magazines.

Companies that distribute pornography, of course, already pay taxes on their profits. But legislators in at least 18 states are anxious to ensure they’re getting their “fair share” of the financial bonanza.


It isn't the jump but the abrupt landing that always gets you. Genius Award Winner.

“Once the flight arrived at the gate, the passenger opened one of the doors and jumped off the aircraft,” according to the airline.

“Law enforcement and paramedics responded.”

According to Phoenix police, during the flight a 25-year-old passenger began touching passengers’ faces and spraying them with some kind of liquid from a spray bottle. A witness who spoke with the Arizona Republic said the man was also swearing and hitting multiple passengers.

Where is the air Marshall when you need one?


The ONT Musical Interlude

Born on This Day 14 Apr 1945
English guitarist and songwriter Ritchie Blackmore from Deep Purple, who had the 1970 UK No.2 single 'Black Night' and the 1973 US No.4 single 'Smoke On The Water'. Deep Purple were listed in the 1975 Guinness Book of World Records as "the globe's loudest band" for a 1972 concert at London's Rainbow Theatre. Blackmore later formed Rainbow who had the 1981 hit single 'I Surrender'. via


Kicking ass and not taking prisoners. A restaurant crew was nice to a would be thief. Tonight's Feel Good Story of The Day.


Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by Conservation Tips.

image1 (11).jpg
H/T Ladyl

Notice: Posted with permission by the Ace Media Empire and AceCorp, LLC. For a happier Co: ONT tips send loose change, drink tickets and burner phones to yours truly, petmorons at gmail dot com

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posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at 09:55 PM

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