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April 15, 2019
The Morning Report - 4/15/19
Good morning kids. Start of a new week so here we go. The big story is the continued dropping of all pretense of who and what the Democrat Party is, first from yet another non-gaffe gaffe from the Congress-concubine representing taqqiya and squalor, Ilhan "Bro-Fo" Omar and more tellingly the circling of the wagons to defend the Dark Age deceiver and attack her critics. No, the issue is not her attempted airbrushing sandblasting of history by declaring that the 9/11/01 massacre of nearly 3,000 Americans by her co-religionists was merely that "some people did something." No, it was the reaction to the New York Post's front page truth bomb of an editorial that shoved her nose in her own vomitus that has become the issue. Yes, gentle reader. For having the gall to tell the truth plainly and clearly, with righteous indignation to defend the memory of the martyred, the Democrat-Left-Media complex including every single Democrat presidential candidate, congressional leaders and other assorted vermin slithering the halls of DC or the ink-stained pancake-makeup hacks infecting the airwaves and newsstands has gone on the offensive to proclaim the incest aficionado to be the real victim. The equally repugnant Rancida Tliban and blithering idiot Soros sock puppet Chiquita Khruschev are claiming some sort of "conspiracy" to smear their comrade (no mention of the Mossad in any of their communiques... yet).
Of course, much of this is a result of President Trump tweeting out a video that echoes the sentiments of the NY Post's front page. And that cannot be allowed to stand. Nancy Palsi demands the President take down his Tweet (he won't) and that the Capitol Police provide beefed up security for the unreconstructed savage throwback from Minnesota because of fears for her safety. And get this; Bro-Fo and her allies are dragging the gravely wounded war vet Dan Crenshaw through the mud and accusing him of inciting violence against her. That alone is making my BP spike right about now.Ah yes, the much ballyhooed "anti-Muslim" backlash we've been hearing so much about that, IIRC, has resulted in exactly ONE incident in almost 19 years involving some jerk who mistakenly attacked a Sikh. But if you dare bring up Fort Hood, San Bernardino, the Pulse Nightclub, the Boston Marathon, the New Mexico terror compound, the DC sniper, Dallas, Times Square, the Port Authority, the lower Manhattan bike path, and on and on and on and on it is you who are the terrorist, bigot and inciter of violence.
As rage-stroke-inducing as all of this is, let them keep talking. It's yet another issue that highlights the absolute break from reality and reveals who and what the Democrat Party is and what they intend for this country. And again, it's the willingness for Donald Trump to loudly and proudly call them out on it and shove it back in their face that is the landmine they keep stepping on. If only more Republicans would emulate this instead of collapsing onto a fainting couch, things could be much different.
Moving on, we still have a crisis at our border to add to the disaster of the nearly 30-plus million or more illegal aliens already living among us and sucking us dry. Miraculously, the 9th Circus has for now sided with the President on his screening of asylum-seeking border-jumpers on the Mexican side of the border, the Border Patrol union prexy gives a thumbs up to diverting aliens to sanctuary cities and Tu-Ca has an epic takedown of Democrat hypocrisy on that idea, ICE has got to ramp up the enforcement and penalizing of illegal alien employers, the Left loves alien foreigners but hates our suffering military vets and Victor Davis Hanson on just how much we can take.
Spygate and the Congressional Coup: Mark Meadows confident that Horowitz will come.
Dem Scandal Sheet: William Lacy Clay goniffed campaign cash, and a former gun control candidate shoots her campaign manager.
Civil War 2.0: A Hillary stooge tries to ruin Justice Kavanaugh and get him dumped from a teaching gig, and the Left losing its mind and driven to violence.
Politics: Trump rakes in big bucks for 2020, a trio of revelatory stories on the now official candidacy of Mayor Pete Buttplug, several stories on the open war now between Palsi and the old guard and Chiquita Khruschev and the young turds, Hillary giving campaign advice and Bill gets heckled, Blotto Beto's Bibi bashing betrays his Joo-antipathy, and two essays on the madness and the socialism.
First Amendment: lying disgraced New Yorker fact checker joins the 9/11 history rewrite, Media-Matters urges Fox boycott because, save the planet or something, the Farsi Ferret has a NY Times Best Seller that is buried in Amazon, Bernie attacks Think Progress without thinking about it first, yet gets a conservative reporter tossed out of an open town hall meeting, and a frightening piece on "surveillance capitalism."
Second Amendment: Spartacus and Swallowswell running against guns and the NRA. Go with that, guys.
Foreign Desk: Secretary of State Pompeo bullish on the retreat of the Left from South America while sanctioning four shipping companies tied to Venezuela, the CUK party is apropos name, possible third summit for PDT and Whoa, Fat!, the ICC dumps protection of bogus US Afghan war crimes and Israel hopes for same vis a vis Gaza, 22nd straight weekend of Yellow Vest protests, German spy chief warns of Leftist violence and Israel's swing to the right.
Domestic News: Arizona's Ducey signs first of its kind professional licensing reciprocity law, the mutiny over Cain, and whither Ruth Bader-Meinhoff?
The Economy: $700,000 per citizen and the US is debt free, small business owners fight against the anti tax cut propaganda, and NYC not testing for pot smokers about as good an idea as you'd expect.
Crime and Punishment: Chinese woman indicted for breaking into Mar-a-Lago, and despite Newsom moratorium, serial killer to get the death penalty.
Education: College is dangerous for your mental health - two stories.
Red Greens: Jay Inslee rails against the Han Soloing of America, and big Lefty donor group wants Dem president candidates to enact Green Nude Eel.
Hither and Yon: Laguna Beach red, white and blue cop car lettering causes citizen freakout, and Christian Toto on another flick that makes Christians into monsters.
Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
- Mark Meadows: Criminal Referrals Are "Highly Likely" In DOJ Watchdog's Report
- Ninth Circuit Court Temporarily Reinstates Trump Asylum Policy
- Border Patrol Union Prez: It's "Absolutely Legal" to Send Illegals to Sanctuary Cities
- Must-See TV: Tu-Ca's Epic Takedown on Dem Hypocrisy on Sending Illegals to Sanctuary Cities
- Obama's Head Of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson Agrees With Trump On Border Crisis
- ICE Field Operation Liberates Hundreds of Jobs (ramp this up to eleventy-leven - jjs)
- Jon Tester vs. the Wall (another GOP-e sellout needing a primary - jjs)
- "Hostile" Migrants Break Border Gate, Forcibly Enter Mexico From Guatemala, Attack Police
- Sanctuary Cities Welcome Illegal Aliens with "Open Arms" While 38,000 American Veterans Remain Homeless
- V.D. Hanson: Are There Any Limits to Illegal Immigration?
- Former Gun Control Candidate Charged With Shooting Her Campaign Treasurer
- Dem Rep Paid Sister's Firm Half of Campaign Cash Expenditures
- Wounded War Vet, Rep. Dan Crenshaw, Mocked, Called Names, Accused Of Inciting Violence For Criticizing "Bro-Fo" Omar
- "Bro-Fo" Omar: Alinsky Radical
- Greenfield: Why Does "Bro-Fo's" Life Matter More Than Republicans?
- Former Hillary Press Secretary Tied to Effort to Get Kavanaugh Fired From GMU
- The Left Officially Loses its Mind
- Donald Trump Re-Election Campaign Raises $30 Million in First Quarter
- Bernie, Blotto, Buttplug, Fauxca-Has-Been Claim Trump Is "Inciting Violence" and "Hate" With Bro-Fo Omar 9/11 Video
- Mayor Buttplug Buttigieg Officially Launches White House Campaign; Running on Infanticide, Climate Fraud and Shredding the Constitution
- Mayor Buttplug: The Left's New Teflon Candidate
- The Liar From South Bend
- Comedy Gold: Hillary Clinton Gives POTUS Candidates Advice About Running Against Trump
- Heckler Interrupts Clinton Book Tour: "Bill, This Is Boring!"
- Fight! Nancy Palsi Rips Chiquita Khruschev AOC, Says Her Posse in Congress "Is Like Five People"
- Progressive PAC Linked to Chiquita Khruschev AOC Escalates Attacks Against DCCC
- Rancida Tliban Accuses Dem Leadership of Racism, Says Palsi Pelosi Uses Minority Members As "Tokens of Diversity" (um, diversity is tokenism, tootsie - jjs)
- Blotto Beto vs. Bibi
- Andrew Yang and the Normies
- Will the Democrat Party Faithful Ever Notice Their Leaders Are Crazy? (Mr. Dunning, meet Mr. Krueger - jjs)
- Return of the Neo-Keynesians
- Disgraced New Yorker Fact-Checker: "When Did The Memory Of 9/11 Become Sacred?" (when they passed out candy and danced on Hoboken rooftops? - jjs)
- Media Matters to Dem Candidates: Avoid Fox News to Save the Earth
- Farsi Ferret's Book Is Ranked 1,030 On Amazon... Yet Listed on NY Times Best Seller List?
- Bernie Sanders Attacks Think-Progress, the Leftist Blog Launched by His Campaign Manager
- Conservative Journalist Ejected from Bernie Sanders Town Hall in Ohio
- Meet "Surveillance Capitalism," Our Terrifying New Economic Order
- Fake Jake Tapper Tells Eric Swallowswell "Vast Majority Of Gun-Related Deaths" Are Not From Semi-Automatic Rifles
- Farce-acus Booker Launches Campaign Tour with Promise to "Bring a Fight" to the NRA
- Pompeo on Latin America's Shift Away From the Left: "It's Glorious"
- US Sanctions 4 Shipping Companies for Venezuela Ties
- More Pro-EU Conservative MPs Defect to CUK Party, Tories Sinking in Polls
- Int'l Criminal Court Rejects Request for Investigation Into US "War Crimes" in Afghanistan
- Israel Hopes for Same Treatment, After Int'l Court Backs Down on US Afghanistan Probe
- Is a Third Summit Between Trump and Whoa, Fat! in the Works?
- Police Clash with Upwards of 6,000 Yellow Vests Protesting President Emmanuel Macron for 22nd Saturday in a Row
- German Spy Chief Warns Against Surging Left-Wing Violence
- Israel Swings Right
- Arizona Governor Ducey Signs First of Its Kind Occupational Licensing Reciprocity Law
- If Nominated For the Federal Reserve, Herman Cain Deserves a Fair Hearing (he deserves to be confirmed - jjs)
- The Path Forward for Ruth Bader "Meinhoff" Ginsburg
- Small Business Owners Push Back Against Mischaracterization of Trump's Tax Cuts
- Stoned at Work: NYC's Ban on Employer Drug Testing Will Lead to Nothing But Trouble
- Report: Every American Taxpayer Would Owe Almost $700,000 to Pay Down Worsening US Debt
- Chinese Woman Indicted for Illegal Entry to Mar-a-Lago
- Despite Gavin Newsom's Moratorium, Prosecutors Seek Death Penalty for Golden State Serial Killer
- What I Learned When I Enrolled In a Race, Gender, and Oppression Studies Class
- The Downward Spiral of Post-Secondary Education
- Jay Inslee: "We Have to Decarbonize Our Entire Economy in the Next Several Decades"
- Leftist Donor Group Wants Next President to Support Green New Deal
- Patriotic Red, White, and Blue Police Car Lettering Sparks Backlash in California
- Toto: The Silence Casts Christians as the Real Monsters