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The Morning Report - 4/5/19 »
April 04, 2019
A Thread For The Nightwalkers
So why did I think of you Morons when I saw this cartoon?
Probably because you guys like mushrooms so much, that must be it.
Speaking of Mushrooms
I recall an international study done a while back. Several universities studied why the human penis was shaped the way it is, with a head larger than the shaft. The American university concluded that the penis was shaped as it is for the woman's pleasure. The British university concluded that the shape was more conducive to the man's pleasure, while the Iranian university disagreed completely. They concluded that the head was bigger than the shaft so that your hand doesn't fly off the end and smack you in the face.
You Will Be Made To Care
The ‘Trans’ Child as Experimental Guinea Pig
This whole thing reminds me so much of the Satanic daycare hysteria of the 90s. Hopefully in 25 years we can look back on it the same way. Unfortunately, even if that's the case, exponentially more people are going to have been permanently harmed by it.
For Bluebell
Sorry this one isn't animated.
Ungrateful Bastards
Then again, it's not like they could do much anyway. Germany's Military Is a Total Mess: No Working Submarines, New Equipment Is Defective.
Now Eastern Europeans I Like
And the Church of Python continues to grow...
Left Handed Gift From The Gods
Pompeii victim crushed by boulder while fleeing eruption
It's got to be a better way to go than choking on the toxic fumes that killed most of the people of Pompeii.
Rested and Ready to Run
Biden 2020 Too bad the phone company already copyrighted the slogan “Reach out and touch someone”. Even the President got in on the trolling:
I'm sorry, but that right there is funny AF.
ETA I wrote this before Ace did the thread below. I'm leaving it in, it's still funny.
Life With Rube
Goldberg, that is. I hope this was all one shot and there aren't some sneaky edits in there
Tonight's ONT brought to you by Duolingo:

posted by WeirdDave at
09:56 PM
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