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March 11, 2019
Google Manager Lectured Employee: We Have to Take Fake News and Hate Speech Seriously, Because That's Why Trump Won the Election
Alrightee then.
Let's give Google more legal authority to Censor All The Things.
On Monday, Google software engineer Mike Wacker published an email he received from a fellow Google employee. That employee recounted a discussion with his manager in which the manager said Donald Trump won the 2016 election thanks to fake news and hate speech.
"I posted a comment on a meme regarding fake news on Search and someone reported it to HR. I didn't say I was in favor or against, just cautioned that we need to be carful [sic]," the anonymous employee wrote. "My manager brought it up in our 1:1 last week. Made me feel very uncomfortable for having an opposing view. He said we need to stop hate speatch [sic] and fake news because that's how Trump won the election..."
The terrified employee kept quiet, censoring himself. "I obviously didn't say anything and just wanted it to end. I...would like to see all managers required to take political bias training," he wrote.
Worse, the "Bias Busting" course at Google demonized conservatives and Trump supporters, the employee wrote.
More at the link.

posted by Ace of Spades at
06:23 PM
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