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March 11, 2019
FaceBook Removes Elizabeth Warren Political Ads Calling for the Breakup of FaceBook, Other Tech Giants
Looks like FaceBook wants to make Elizabeth Warren's case for her.
Facebook has removed several ads placed by Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s presidential campaign that called for the breakup of Facebook and other tech giants.
The ads, which had identical images and text, touted Warren's recently announced plan to unwind "anti-competitive" tech mergers, including Facebook’s acquisition of WhatsApp and Instagram.
Facebook, Amazon, and Google," read the ads, which Warren's campaign had placed Friday. "We all use them. But in their rise to power, they've bulldozed competition, used our private information for profit, and tilted the playing field in their favor."
A message on the three ads reads: "This ad was taken down because it goes against Facebook's advertising policies."
A Facebook spokesperson confirmed the ads had been taken down and said the company is reviewing the matter.
ZeroHedge says that FaceBook has not told them which post or link violated FaceBook's terms and FaceBook will not explain the reasons for the ban.
We were surprised by this action as neither prior to this seemingly arbitrary act of censorship, nor since, were we contacted by Facebook with an explanation of what "community standard" had been violated or what particular filter or article had triggered the blanket rejection of all Zero Hedge content.
Alternatively, it is just as possible that Facebook simply decided to no longer allow its users to share our content in retaliation for our extensive coverage of what some have dubbed the platform's "many problems", including chronic privacy violations, mass abandonment by younger users, its gross and ongoing misrepresentation of fake users, ironically - in retrospect - its systematic censorship and back door government cooperation (those are just links from the past few weeks).
Unfortunately, as noted above, we still don't know what exact event precipitated this censorship, and any attempts to get feedback from the company with the $500 billion market cap, have so far remained unanswered.
Quick, I need a post from a corporate-funded NeverTrumper to reassure me again that all of this censorship and political battlespace preparation is totally, totally necessary because some nasty but completely low-level trolls said some bad things on Twitter about the Salon #Hot25 All-Stars.
So, to make sure @OdinsTears69 and @CelticAvenger69 can't say anything mean about David French, we have to accept a regime of almost unbounded censorship from our Tech Overlords.
That makes total sense. Sometimes you have to destroy the Free Speech village in order to save it.
Oh, PS: And you sure as shit aren't going to get those fat corporate subsidies proposing restrictions on corporate censorship.
Of Course He Does: Zuckerberg Wants FaceBook to Build a Mind-Reading Machine.
The idea is to allow people to use their thoughts to navigate intuitively through augmented reality--the neuro-driven version of the world recently described by Kevin Kelly in these pages. No typing--no speaking, even--to distract you or slow you down as you interact with digital additions to the landscape: driving instructions superimposed over the freeway, short biographies floating next to attendees of a conference, 3D models of furniture you can move around your apartment.
Wait until they reverse the process and start mind-inscribing!
Zuckerberg also talked about establishing a "FaceBook Supreme Court" to handle all of its bannings and censorship.

posted by Ace of Spades at
07:19 PM
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