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March 11, 2019
Nancy Pelosi: We Shouldn't Impeach Trump. He's Just Not Worth It.
Democrat civil war a-comin'...
But does Nancy Pelosi matter? Is she still the actual leader of the caucus?
No, I don't think. She's been cucked by Alexandria Donkey-Chompers.
Kurt Schlichter writes on that:
The only thing that should keep you from roaring in laughter as Nancy Pelosi freaks out trying to keep a lid on the freak show that is the Democratic caucus is the knowledge that the freshmen freakettes giving her fits would impose an ideology of tyranny and murder if given the chance. But you can still allow yourself a good giggle as you watch Nancy's dreams of a Democrat majority die on the altar of anti-Semitism, taking away your health insurance, and banning cheeseburgers.
This was on display as the Democrats struggled to find a way to publicly pretend to condemn their superstar bigot's hatred of Jews without annoying all the Democrats for whom hatred of Jews is a key component of their intersectional web of leftist prejudices. Nancy essentially tried to excuse it by explaining that Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Berlin) is too stupid to know she's anti-Semitic which, to be fair, is plausible.
She could only get her caucus to agree to condemning all prejudice, sort of, including the tsunami of prejudice against Pacific Islanders that we all see around us so much in our daily lives. Take that, people who hate Pacific Islanders.
Of course, the Democrats never named the actual bigot because the Democrat base is affirmatively pro-bigotry. They hate Jews, Christians, white people, dissident non-white people, men, women who like men, and people who blaspheme against the creepy climate cult, among others. The list of Bad People Who Are Bad goes on and on -- the key element of intersectionality is that it always intersects with ugly prejudices against groups that leftists see as insufficiently supportive of their sick ideology.
Which is Nancy's problem, because she won the House back last year by hiding the left-wing evil bubbling under the surface of her party's collective dogma. She defeated the feckless Paul Ryan -- what a loser -- by running candidates in largely purple suburban districts who promised that if the voters tossed out the squishy Republican incumbent, the sensible Democrat moderate challenger would not go to Washington and do anything kooky. And, of course, the Lucy's football phenomena was in full effect as these Nanchurian Candidates trooped up Capitol Hill and promptly got sucked into the crazy.
Suddenly, instead of playing the fake moderate game, Nancy's minions had to suck up to a bunch of braying bimbos from safe blue seats. All the nonsense Reps. Talib, Omar, and Ocasio-Cortez spewed on social media and MSNBC thrilled the Democrat base. But what Normal people heard was, "We hate Israel. We hate the idea that you can have cars. We hate you."

posted by Ace of Spades at
05:24 PM
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