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January 17, 2019
Congressman Ilhan Omar Says That Lindsey Graham Should Be Thrown Off of a Wall (Or Words to That Effect)
Not just her, of course. All of the super-pro-gay #Woke Hollywood people are pushing gay jokes and innuendoes pretty hard.
First up: Jim Sciutto interrogates Omar on her evidence-free claim that Lindsey Graham is "compromise," neatly ignoring his three months of pushing the evidence-free Hillary Clinton/Sid Blumenthal/Cody Shearer conspiracy theory that Trump is compromised.
Apparently the conspiracy theory isn't cooked up by The Right People, like Blumenthal and Shearer, then you have to offer evidence to back it up.
Here's Omar's original gay-smear tweet:
For some reason, this was one evidence-free kompromat conspiracy theory too far for Jim Sciutto:
#Woke actor Chris Evans and #Woke former ESPN idiot Jemele Hill have themselves a giggle about Lindsey Graham maybe being "One of Those."
And of course decrepit whore Chelsea Handler, who Hollywood loves to throw awards and kudos to for being the first female late night host to get shit ratings and get cancelled, joined in to show how pro-gay she is.
"Holy, f--- f---. I just [watched] the video of trumps bipartisan "meeting" yesterday. Hey, @LindseyGrahamSC what kind of d--- s---ing video do they have on you for you 2 be acting like this? Wouldn’t coming out be more honorable?"
In April, the 43-year-old comedian tweeted another homophobic joke directed at Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Despite the backlash, Handler has not apologized or deleted the tweet.
Speaking of Ilhan Omar: Of course the leftist media is now swearing she's not antisemitic at all, not even a little bit.
"Hey, what is "antisemitism" anyway?" they're saying. "We don't hate semitisms," they say, "we hate Jews."
Well, Chuck Schumer says being pro-BDS is being anti-semtism. Isn't he one of your lesser gods, Dave?
Now, I could almost buy this line that we have to allow more latitude for people to express their feelings on political issues without being accused of being an -ist or a -phobe.
Trouble is, the left now wants to make it a Free Fire Zone on Israel and Jews, but they if you criticize Islam, well then: you're a -phobe.
Consistency -- how does it work?
But let's put Ilhan Omar aside.
Will Dave Wiegel and the antisemtism apologists at least concede that speaking at the unapologetically antisemitic Women's March is at least problematic?
Because that's what the antisemite Kirstin Gillibrand is doing:

posted by Ace of Spades at
07:40 PM
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