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October 20, 2018
Saturday Gardening Thread, October 20 [KT]

The great photo above is from first-timer ByTor. There are a couple more below the fold.
Wildlife and Wild Places
ByTor lives in California. Anybody want to try for a species ID on the hummingbirds?
Hummingbirds, Canon EOS 1D, Sigma 100-300 EX
Burrowing owls near Ontario International Airport make use of sewer drains for shelter. Canon EOS 1d, Sigma 100-300 EX
Stay out of the way of the planes, little owl.
Thanks for the photos, ByTor.
Illiniwek caught this little guy on a sunflower stem. They can be cute where they are alone.
Illiniwek reports that he is still getting raspberries and peppers. But there is something more exciting going on at the farm:
17 turkeys showed up on a trail cam ... had seen some younger ones a couple months ago, could be the same group.
Haven't seen this many together for a decade or so. Have also seen quail more frequently.
This is why I've removed a lot of raccoons, trying to give the turkeys and other fowl a chance to recover.
Gordon in Minnesota has been busy. Last week in the comments he asked about experience with galvanized raised beds. Anybody? I'm saving his harvest report and Farmer's Market report for next week, but I liked this photo. I know it's not is a wild place, but it brings a touch of nature to the city. Glad he thought to send it along to us. This is at the Mall of America.

Gardens of The Horde
The comments of the famous Pat* in Idaho are one reason to go back and check the comments to the Gardening Thread later in the weekend, most weekends. (But don't comment on this old thread now). The recipe requested by gingeroni sounds great. A way to use some of the peppers below.
Well, now Pat* has sent us some photos of her pepper harvest!
When husband and I got back from a short trip on Sat. 13th, we found out the coming week would bring freezing nights, so we hastily harvested all our peppers on Sun. 14th.
Our indoor mat, at the door that goes out to the vegetable garden, says "Gather", which is quite appropriate... This is the bell pepper crop (2 plants), not counting 4 greens and 4 reds that had been harvested and chopped previously. This is the best bell pepper crop we've ever had.

We also harvested the jalapenos and the pepperoncini (1 plant each) - this doesn't include the pepperoncini that were pickled earlier in the season. (They're in 1 pound salad tubs.)
Then there are the poblanos... lots and lots of poblanos. (I think there were 4 plants.) The small tray and flat box at the front hold the huge ones that will become pre-packaged frozen chiles rellenos, while the 5-gallon bucket and larger tray hold the smaller or misshapen ones that will go into our new recipes for chile relleno casseroles... lots and lots of casseroles.
Love to see that great harvest, Pat*. Poblanos are my favorite.
If you would like to send information and/or photos for the Saturday Gardening Thread, the address is:
at g mail dot com
We will be featuring hardscaping, statuary and such in the near future if you want to send in a photo or two.
Got pumpkins?
Or, wanna go fishin'?

posted by Open Blogger at
12:33 PM
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