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October 06, 2018
EMT 10/6/18
What can I say about the last several weeks?
In a word, it has been infuriating. Yesterday I woke up, again, several hours before the alarm unable to go back to sleep as my mind raced with the thought that the fascist and fabulist Left just may win again over a subservient and unprincipled Right.
It would appear that those doubts will be assuaged, pending the votes over the next day or so.
Kavanaugh will be confirmed on almost strict party lines.
I must still explain to my politically detached wife why I have rings under my eyes.
So I tell her the recent news as it pertains to us:
Our son will grow up in a world where no matter how hard he tries, no matter how much he achieves and no matter how well he treats other people, at some point he may have everything taken from him by a woman who claims he gave her a bad touch decades in the past.
Our daughter will run the risk of being assaulted in a restroom by someone who "identifies as a woman" but swings an active crank, and instead of being consoled and defended, will instead be called a liar and have her parents referred to child services.
Both are growing up in increasingly violent times, as the Left and their mouthpieces dehumanize their enemy.
Rest assured, both will be given the benefit of home-schooling, and will be trained in physical and material preparedness.
But it is excruciating that I must do so. My kids deserve to grow up in the American dream, unburdened and unthreatened by those who despise me and mine just because I have the audacity to believe that gender is directly proportionate to one's plumbing, or that in a just society, guilt isn't presumed according to political affiliation.
I am tired. I am frustrated and angry. I miss the days of reasonable policy debate with my political others.
These November elections will be illuminating. The professional Left has staked its claim in paranoia and hysteria. The results this November will tell us just how damaging to a nation that claim can be.

posted by krakatoa at
06:00 AM
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