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Wednesday Overnight Open Thread (10/3/18 ) »
October 03, 2018
Jackson Cosko, 27, Arrested by Capitol Police for Doxing Three Senators
Reminder: While Republicans were questioning Kavanaugh at his testimony responding to Ford, someone used an IP address connected to the Congress to post closely-held, nonpublic information about the home addresses of Orrin hosta, Lindsey Graham, and Rand Paul on Wikipedia.
This was done, of course, with the intent to intimidate and even direct the crazies to kill these Senators. There is no proper reason to do this.
And now...
Sheila Jackson Lee and Maggie Hassan, too? Who'd've thunk it?
In the meantime, anyone want to guess the party affiliation of the guy who sent the castor beans/ricin to Trump, Mattis, and the Pentagon?
Anyone want to bet which CNN and/or MSNBC host will turn out to be his favorite?
No, I don't think it's jihadis. I think it's a homegrown leftwing terrorist. The leftwing is now more violent and threatening that radical jiahdism.

posted by Ace of Spades at
07:42 PM
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