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October 03, 2018
"Conservative" Commenter AllahPundit: Anyone Who Says They Think Ford Is Definitely False in Her Claims Is Guilty of Loathsome Hyperpartisanship, But I Can Confidently Pronounce that the GOP is the Pro-Rape Party
Fuck yourself.
Elsewhere, fully 50 percent of Republicans say the incident with Ford "definitely" didn't happen even though there's no way to be "definitely" sure of that. (By the same token, 36 percent of Democrats say it "definitely" did. Partisanship's a hell of a drug.) We’ve reached the stage of the Trump era, I guess, where we're required to promote accused rapists to the most powerful positions in public life to "own the libs" even if there's proof that they’re guilty.
It reminds me of what Roman Hruska once famously said of Harrold Carswell, one of Nixon's SCOTUS nominees, when Carswell was accused of being mediocre on the bench: "Even if he were mediocre, there are a lot of mediocre judges and people and lawyers. They are entitled to a little representation, aren't they, and a little chance?" Same goes for rapists now.
Virtue signalling, buying into every possible Democrat-promulgated assumption (it's fair to speculate there might be conclusive evidence of guilty but not that there might be proof of innocence), throwing in an "own the libs" crack as he continues to #OwnTheCons every chance he gets, throwing up yet another uninformed polling post... Yup, same reliable old cuck.
It's interesting, the questions he remains agnostic on, and the ones he can answer with the righteous conviction of a zealot.
I don't know if Salem told him to clean up his unceasingly anti-conservative Twitter feed because all he tweets now are links to his dreadful articles, but if Salem told him to stop, they should reverse that: If his outlet for spitting venom at conservatives on Twitter has been taken away from him, he's gone right back to pouring it into his Hot Air posts. Like he used to do.
Oh wait, he's not only posting links to his articles. He is occasionally previewing the next venomous "Republicans are Rapists" post he's going to write, posting this to get some high fives from liberal friends:
Even though he's a naive and incompetent poll analyst, just drawing the most obvious Joe Bloggs topline crap from polls, he used to note (one of his only points, being incompetent at this) that people rarely parse questions very carefully in polling questions, and usually just give All-In answers to everything.
He would excuse Democrats, for example, saying that they believed that Bush was actually behind the 9/11 attacks by noting that this was just an avenue for Democrats to express their complete disagreement with Bush and their complete dissatisfaction with his post-9/11 response.
He's fond of claiming Trumpism Corrupts, but note how much NeverTrumpism Corrupts: he knows three things about polling, but he's decided to show a Ford-like mastery of Tactical Amnesia as to one of those things (that partisans tend to give All-In answers to register maximal support or maximal disapproval) if it helps him attack actual conservatives.