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September 21, 2018
Open Thread
Discuss things not related to Dr. Blasey Ford and her endless excuses and evasions.
Oh, wait. I found #TheHottestTake. The hottest take of all.
See, if you believe in the Bible, get this, you must believe Blasey Ford's fuzzy memories.
Because, like, her own testament was written closer to Current Year.
Weird thing about a testament, though: It requires testifying.
Something that Feminist Saint Ford is, for whatever reason, curiously reluctant to do.
Here's this dear-heart's bio, by the way:
Co-Founder of @RakkasanTea and @McPhersonSqGrp | Columnist, @NYDailyNews | Former Obama guy |
These f***ers have anti-Christian Tourettes. They just can't help themselves.

posted by Ace of Spades at
08:25 PM
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