� Harvard Offers Free Tampons to Women.
Wait, Scratch That, That's Offensive.
Harvard Offers Free Tampons to "Menstruators," Who May Or May Not Be Women, Depending On How They Define Their Gender This Week. |
NYT: Whoopsie! I Guess We Shouldn't Have Suggested That Nikki Haley Was Responsible for a $50,000 Expenditure for Curtains That Was Actually Made During the Obama Administration �
September 14, 2018
What if Someone Finally Violated the Logan Act, But it Was a Democrat?
Would the Media Bother Covering It?
Probably not all that much. And probably mostly with Republicans Pounce headlines.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says his Obama-era predecessor John Kerry has been "actively undermining" U.S. policy on Iran.
Late Thursday, President Donald Trump had accused Kerry of holding "illegal meetings" with the Iranian government.
Pompeo said he would leave "legal determinations to others" but slammed Kerry as a former secretary of state for engaging with "the world's largest state-sponsor of terror" and telling Iran to "wait out this administration."
Pompeo contended Friday: "You can't find precedent for this in U.S. history."
Kerry was an architect of the Iran nuclear deal that Trump withdrew from in May and has met several times with Iran's foreign minister since leaving office.
Now, what about the Logan Act?
If you remember, one of the pretexts Sally Yates used to refer Michael Flynn for investigation was the claim that he may have violated the Logan Act during the transition between the Obama and Trump presidencies by contacting foreign leaders.
The media felt this was a pretty good reason to start surveilling people.
But now ABC News says:
Meetings between a private U.S. citizen and foreign official are not against the law and not necessarily inappropriate or a violation of federal regulations.
Oh? Did you express this opinion when Sally Yates began a federal dragnet for a guy who was the incoming NSC?
The Logan Act is ON when leftists need it to be, and OFF when leftists need it to be.
A short snippet of Pompeo's presser below, and some details about Iran's behavior that ABC just forgot to mention or cut for space.

posted by Ace of Spades at
05:10 PM
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