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September 14, 2018
Harvard Offers Free Tampons to Women.
Wait, Scratch That, That's Offensive.
Harvard Offers Free Tampons to "Menstruators," Who May Or May Not Be Women, Depending On How They Define Their Gender This Week.
See, not all women menstruate -- like, male-to-female transgenders are "women" who do not menstruate -- and some "men" also menstruate, such as female-to-male transgenders.
So you can't offer tampons to "women;" that's a Hate Crime. Some "men" are menstruating; why do you hate these menstruating men?
So Harvard is offering tampons to Those Who Menstruate, and hell, who knows, I'm sure if you're a male-to-female transgender who doesn't menstruate but whats the tampons as a fashion accessory, you can have some tampons too.
Meanwhile, a British academic has compiled a list of fellow academics to "shame" for not recognizing that some women are really men or vice versa.
As you might know, a lot of feminists are, of course, Female Supremacists and are rather down on men, and resent Joanie-Come-Lately men who skipped growing up as girls in a man's world and decided they were women later in life. They refuse to say that Men Make The Best Women (admittedly, the chauvanist in me finds this claim surface-plausible), and so they must be shamed.

posted by Ace of Spades at
04:10 PM
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