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Early Bird Edition - Tuesday Overnight Open Thread (9/4/18 ) »
September 04, 2018
After a Morning of Protesters Violently Disrupting the Hearing, A Man Charges At Kavanaugh and Is Intercepted by Security;
Left Wants to Know Why Kavanaugh Didn't Hug a Lefty Disruptor
So, here's the background: There were a lot of disrupters at the hearings who had to be dragged out, screaming and flailing, so that the hearings could continue with the scheduled interruptions coordinated by Charles Schumer.
Kavanaugh's daughters had to be escorted out of the hearings, for either their psychological or physical safety, or both.
So: With that serving as the background for this obvious set-up, Fred Guttenberg, one of the fathers of a slain Parkland student rushes up to Kavanaugh, with one had extended for a handshake and the other hand, who knows?, as security rushes up to intercept him.
Kavanaugh, seeing a stranger rushing towards him in a day marked by shrieking and protesters violently resisting ejection, just looks at him.
Fred Guttenberg then claims victory in his obvious political stunt:
What should Kavanaugh have done? Hugged a complete stranger?
In this climate?
Kavanaugh didn't know who the hell this guy was. But he was right to be reserved -- Guttenberg has previously called Kavanaugh a "risk to public safety."
Remember, when the left starts calling you things like that, they're usually doing so to set up a legal defense justifying attacking youj.
With the left getting more and more violent -- why should Kavanaugh play the dangerous game of hugging a lefty?
I've seen this story being pushed by the media -- you know, the same media that claims Our Precious Lives Are Threatened if a critic hisses at them.
And they demand that Kavanaugh shake the hands of a hostile stranger?
Oh that's right -- only Media and Democrat Lives Matter. (But I repeat myself, as always.)
BTW: Will Jake Tapper or Jim Acosta accept a hug from me?

posted by Ace of Spades at
07:52 PM
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