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August 23, 2018
Lanny Davis Contradicts #FakeNews CNN: No, Michael Cohen Doesn't Have Information About Whether Trump Knew About the Trump Tower Meeting With the Fusion GPS Client Natalia Veselnitskya
CNN has not bothered to correct its July 27th claim that Cohen would contradict Trump about this.
CNN reported on July 27 that Michael Cohen is willing to tell investigators that Donald Trump authorized the infamous Trump Tower meeting with a group of Russians
But Cohen’s lawyer now says that bombshell report got "mixed up"
Lanny Davis says that Cohen "does not" have information that Trump had prior knowledge about the meeting
"So Michael Cohen does not have information that President Trump knew about the Trump Tower meeting with the Russians beforehand or even after?" CNN's Anderson Cooper asked Davis.
"No, he does not," replied Davis, a longtime Clinton insider who started representing Cohen earlier this summer.
Chuck Ross also notes that while the anti-Trump media is excited to push some of Cohen's new claims, they're not so eager to push other ones, such as his continuing denial that he was ever in Prague as the "dossier" claimed, despite a plea deal which requires him to tell prosecutors all the "Truth" they tell him to tell.
Davis said the dossier’s claims that his client, former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen, traveled to Prague in August 2016 as part of a conspiracy with the Kremlin are "100 percent" false.
Davis' comments received little attention from the both the mainstream press and the entities that have pushed the dossier.
"We have no comment on Mr. Davis's statements," said Matt Mittenhal, a spokesman for BuzzFeed News, which published the dossier on Jan. 10, 2017.
Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm that commissioned the dossier on behalf of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee, has also not weighed in. Joshua Levy, a lawyer for the firm, did not respond to a request for a response to Davis' comments.
The DNC did not respond to a request for comment, nor did Marc Elias, the attorney who hired Fusion GPS on behalf of the Clinton campaign and DNC.
Greg Gordon, a McClatchy News reporter who in April reported that special counsel Robert Mueller has evidence that Cohen did travel to Prague, also did not respond to a request for comment. The report breathed new life into the dossier’s claims about Cohen, but it has never been corroborated.
One more thing: As reported by Jordan Schaechtel and Jack Probosec, Lanny Davis is actually an admitted, declared personal foreign agent of Putin-connected pro-Russia Ukrainian oligarch Dmytro Firtash.
If Trump is a RUSSIAN agent, why is Lanny Davis, a legally declared agent of a pro-Russian oligarch connected to Vladimir Putin, trying to get him impeached?
Does the media ever mention that?
Nah, of course not. And it doesn't matter to them. They don't care if Trump is actually a RUSSIAN agent. They just wanted a special counsel appointed to look into any possible wrongdoing to get him impeached for any reason.
The media will of course stop talking about RUSSIA so much, now deciding "Russia, schmussia, what really matters is very dicey ticky-tack campaign finance violations that most people merely have to pay a fine over."

posted by Ace of Spades at
05:17 PM
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