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August 23, 2018
Ted Cruz's Slapdick Democrat Challenger Beta O'Rourke: There's Nothing More Patriotic Than Protesting the Flag in the NFL
This should probably earn him some votes from NeverTrumpers, who are very, very keen on talking up how patriotic the flag-protests are.
Largely because Trump opposes them. Therefore, like race-based ethnic cleansing, they must support it.
Because Principles. Just ask them!!! They'll tell you!!!! 10,000 times on Twitter a day.
O'Rourke, a Democratic congressman, was asked at a recent campaign event about NFL players who kneel during the anthem. O'Rourke replied, "I can think of nothing more American than to peacefully stand up, or take a knee for your rights anytime, anywhere, any place."
While Republicans decried the remark, liberals are celebrating it.
The same NeverTrump #SalonHot25 All-Stars who endlessly praise the flag protests in the name of free speech also, oddly enough, cheer the conspiracy of tech megacorporations to deplatform conservatives, and to deny them very basic financial services (such as merely having MasterCard process a Patreon donation).
The latter they call "the right of a private businesses to do what they want," ignoring the fact that corporations rarely enter these controversies of their own accord; they're pressured to do so by leftwing lobbying groups.
But when someone pressures the NFL to enforce its own rules against political statements during games -- and remember, the NFL has fined players for wearing 9/11 tribute cleats, or a black armband to mourn the Dallas policemen killed by a Black Lives Matter sniper -- suddenly the TruCons insist that it's morally wrong to even apply social pressure to a corporation.
They never say a goddamn word when it's their leftist allies doing the pressuring, of course.
They even shriek when conservatives merely counter-pressure a corporation which is already being pressured by the left.
It's only the Cons Who Must Be Owned.
🚢 🚢 🚢
Video below.

posted by Ace of Spades at
06:19 PM
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