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August 12, 2018
The John Lennon School Of International Security: If We Hope And Pray, Maybe Iran Will Play Nice!
Several years ago I read a book describing the heroic measures the people of Bordeaux took to protect their wine cellars and industry from the Nazis. I recall thinking that they certainly exerted more energy to protect their wine than their country or their Jews.
Fast-forward 75 years and we discover that nothing has changed.
Imagine There's No Terror. It's Easy if You Try.
In explaining why France remained unconvinced that Iran continues to present a terror threat to Europe, The Wall Street Journal reported last week that a French security official said, “We can imagine an ultranationalist faction carrying out an operation to raise tensions.”
The Journal report explained that given recent Iranian-directed terror attacks and attempts on European soil — most recently a foiled plot to bomb a meeting of an opposition group in Paris — the United States was pushing its European allies, notably the United Kingdom, France and Germany, to distance themselves from the nuclear deal.
The Europeans though, despite the evidence of Iran’s malign activities, believe that the deal will enhance their security.
The security official quoted also demonstrated a reluctance of the Europeans to hold Iran’s regime responsible for the terror attempts.
Yes, the traditional French sympathy for the Arabs and Muslims can explain this in part, but the all-encompassing refusal to accept the fact that Iran is the foremost protector and fomenter of terror on earth is simply irrational. It is not as if the French can pretend to themselves that terror will never come to their quiet streets and lovely cafes and bistros and theaters and parks. France has borne the brunt of terror attacks in Europe, so their willful disregard of the murder of its citizens speaks to a deeper, more disturbing reason.
Simple avarice might explain it, but is the potential trade with Iran really that significant that the people of France are willing to sacrifice dozens or hundreds or thousands of innocents to pad their bank accounts a bit?
No...I think it is deeper and more disturbing than that. France has reached the end of its road and has no national pride, no inner strength on which to draw to push back against the barbarians at its gates. They are giving up, and acceding to the demands of its murderers. As Churchill famously said, "A Frenchman is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last."