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August 10, 2018
Real Conservatives, Yo
Sean Davis takes down another NeverTrump "real conservative," the weakling cuck Bret Stephens.
Stephens, like many of his NeverTrump brethren, masturbated all over himself in excitement over Roseanne Barr's firing over a single tweet, but, like David French and Ben Shapiro, babbles piously about eternal principles in declaring that it would be morally monstrous to fire Sarah Jeong over years' worth of unambiguously racist tweets, numbering in the hundreds.
Yes, hundreds. The several dozen that get passed around and quoted a lot barely scratch the surface. See Nick Monroe's timeline for the literally hundreds of anti-white tweets the approved-by-French-Stephens-and-Shaprio racist has pumped out from 2014 to 2017.
Note that when you get to his recap of the anti-white tweets of August 2014, the list will seem to stop -- but it doesn't. Click on "24 more replies" at the end of this already-lengthy list of racist tweets to see him recap the racist tweets from September 2014 through 2017.
She has so many racist tweets that a guy can't even make a thread about them without Twitter cutting off the thread and requiring you to click to see more.
These guys really enjoy patting themselves on the back for having consistent principles but the only principle I see at work is them attempting to generate Strange New Respect from the leftist media by constantly savaging conservatives and constantly defending leftists.
Update: You Don't Say?
Incidentally, this site is now being blocked by Cisco's Umbrella content filter.
I've gotten used to US government and military systems blocking the site. But this is getting scary. Now they're blocking it from civilian users, too.
This isn't going to stop -- ever. It's not going to stop until the only "conservative" things you can read on the internet are Jonah Goldberg and The Weekly Standard.
Which is as they want it.
As Mollie Hemingway darkly joked: Hey, the corporate "conservatives" won't mind when they put us in the gulags. At least they'll be privately funded gulags, consistent with corporate conservative principles.
And Now a Word from Kurt Schlichter: Who actually signed up to serve in the nation's army, rather than just farting out columns about how we needed to invade this or that country to spread corporate conservative values.
Here's the tweet. Apparently it blows out the margins for some browsers if I embed it.

posted by Ace of Spades at
12:24 PM
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