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Real Conservatives, Yo »
August 10, 2018
The Morning Rant

"So the concept of gay rights started out decades ago as a plea to be tolerated and is now a demand to bake their wedding cakes or be kicked in the teeth. And now the trannies have discovered that despite being allowed to use the women's bathrooms to flash their junk at little girls, and having drag queens give presentations to pre-school classes, normal people don't want to date them. In other words, normal people want to form normal relationships with normal people. But now the more 'woke' trannies are whining that this is anti-tranny discrimination. And you know that some tranny is going to seek legal action against whatever normal guy who turned him down for a date when he discovered that the person coming on to him was a guy wearing a dress. Don't you dare laugh at me and tell me it can't happen. Ten years ago, if somebody predicted that Christian bakers would be driven out of business, they'd get laughed at, too. So don't ever say it can't happen. It's just a matter of time before 'bake my cake' turns into 'suck my ****'".
The Stupid! It Burns!
TL;DR version: The reason trannies can't get dates with normal people is because of bigotry.
No, Not a Meth Addict Dating Site, Just a Bunch of Antifa Thugs:

(click for larger version)
There were protests in Berkeley (again) last weekend, and unlike the last time, where the Berkeley police just stood there like potted plants, they actually controlled things pretty well and arrested a number of antifa goons. It has been reported that the criminals are all upset because their arrest photos have been put online. I think we need more of this, and since Antifa has been officially declared a terrorist organization, I think it is my patriotic duty to give their ugly mugs a little signal boost. It's what any decent American would do.
And Look What's Coming:
It wasn't all that long ago that I would be against this sort of federal intrusion into matters that should be left to the states, but now, for some reason, I just don't care. No matter how loudly the emo soy boys at reason squeal about it.
Why Normal Americans Think the MSM Is Full of Insufferable Smug Pricks, Part CCXLIV:
Find the Kitteh!
(click for larger view)
There are no tricks, teh kitteh is in plain sight. If you want a little help, I've provided some hints you can see if you swipe your mouse in the blank areas below:
Hint #1: Don't look for eyes, kitteh appears to be napping
Hint #2: Center stack
Hint #3: Almost at the very top

posted by OregonMuse at
11:30 AM
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