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June 21, 2018
Jordan Peterson Files $1.5 Million Defamation Lawsuit Against Wilfrid Laurier, The Canadian University That Called Him an Incompetent Nazi While Intimidating Lindsey Shephard
Yes. Finally.
Let the "Nazis" start suing their enemies into the poor-house. Just like they did in WW2 (obviously).
University of Toronto Professor Jordan Peterson has launched a $1.5-million defamation suit against Wilfrid Laurier University, two of its professors and a former gender and equity manager for suggesting he was “analogous to Adolf Hitler.”
The statement of claim, prepared by lawyer Howard Levitt and filed Monday, says Peterson was falsely labelled as incompetent, sexist, misogynist, dangerous and racist in a now infamous disciplinary meeting with Wilfrid Laurier University teaching assistant Lindsay Shepherd.
"So I think this is a warning, let's say, to other careless administrators and professors who allow their ideological presuppositions to get the best of them to be a bit more careful with what they say and do," he said.

posted by Ace of Spades at
12:30 PM
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