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June 21, 2018
Media Misreports Trump's "Elite" Put-Down... Because Of Course They Do
Trump is being widely misreported as having attacked "the elite" for being elite.
In fact, of course, he denied that they were elite at all.
Which is what upsets these self-proclaimed non-elites so much. So they -- unconsciously, I could imagine, just as a defense reaction -- rewrite his remarks as acknowledging their eliteness and then attacking them for their eliteness.
No. He's calling them non-elite. People who lack actual achievements and true status-markers and for whom, therefore, pseudo-status-markers, such as vociferous agreement with the progressive dogma of the day, serves as their only badge of "eliteness."
By the way: In addition to denigrating the non-elites calling themselves elite, he also goes the extra mile of insult and says that "The Deplorables" are actually smarter and better than the alleged "elite."
Oh, and he also taunted a man-bun wearing protester as "darling," wondering if xe was a man or a woman.
I'm sure that bothers the sexually-confused pseudo-elite, too.

posted by Ace of Spades at
01:31 PM
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