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June 18, 2018
Jen Rubin: Let's Speed the Replacement of Grungy Old US Citizens With Factory-Fresh Latin Imports
From the Department of Having The Hugest Balls, Planned Parenthood is actually claiming to be against separating children, which I had thought was rather their primary stock in trade:
Katie Pavlich has a sensible question:
Streiff's piece at Red State is also pretty inarguable: those arguing against keeping kids in holding areas while their parents are in jail awaiting trial are against keeping their parents in jail awaiting trial and are, therefore, simply in favor of catch and release and therefore uncontrolled open borders, though they will of course not say so.
They'll simply object to every single part of border enforcement while claiming they want some conveniently-unspecified method enforcing the border while also not subjecting any actual people to enforcement.
Speaking of that: Ben "Sassy" Sasse claims he wants to enforce the border while saying he also wants to abandon the "wicked" policy of separating children from their (alleged) parents while their parents await trial for violating US law. He of course cannot offer any specific method of resolution his two claimed priorities. He just thinks someone smart should think of one.
Say, isn't this asshole always posing as a smart guy? If he can't think of a way to enforce the border while not visiting any enforcement on any actual people, who is the Smart Person he thinks can think of such a method, and why doesn't he invite that Smart Person to move to his state and run for Senator in his place?

posted by Ace of Spades at
05:41 PM
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