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June 15, 2018
Round-Up Thread
Nunes: Withholding the "We'll stop him" text from me is obstruction of a Congressional inquiry.
House Intel Committee Chairman Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) was flabbergasted to find that the Strzok-Page text messages released with the IG report were redacted. He called it a "classic case of obstruction" from Congress. On the Thursday edition of FOX News' Ingraham Angle, Nunes promised the committee is "going to get all of the documents" and the question will become, "Who is going to get busted? Who's going to jail?"
"Why did I find out about that, today, at noon?" Nunes asked. "How could that have possibly have been redacted?"
"I mean, this is a classic case of obstruction, but then, the question is, who’s going to go investigate these guys?" he added.
Video at the link.
Lindsey Graham Uncucks for Like Two Seconds.
Everyone's Trans Now! Like Every Other Day!
Judge Revokes Paul Manafort's Release on Bail, Sends Him to Jail for Alleged Witness Tampering.
White House: Actually, Trump Will Sign the Moderate, Three-Times-the-Size of Obama's DACA "Compromise."
Say -- Trump says a lot of bullshit he doesn't mean, doesn't he?
On the bright side, a drone strike killed at least one Taliban commander and might have bagged five.
One more thing: Lee Smith has a new column out today on tying Hillary's emails to the Russian collusion probe. I think the gist is that the probe was manufactured in order to give Hillary a talking point against Trump when Trump would inevitably bring up her illegal, compromised-by-foreign-actors server.
I haven't read it yet, but will remedy that shortly.
It's his first column for American Greatness.

posted by Ace of Spades at
06:56 PM
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