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June 10, 2018
It's Time For A National Conversation On Taking California Away From Californians
Feel like getting depressed? Here is a map of every county in California, showing how abysmally bad the education of our youth has become in what used to be the greatest state in the union. Percent of Students Meeting or Exceeding Standards on Latest Annual State Assessments (2017) has two pull-down menus in the upper right, with two categories of standards (English language arts/literacy and mathematics) and various ethnic groups.
What is really shocking is that the data are from the educational establishment, which has a vested interest in making themselves look at least minimally competent. Although...a really pessimistic and suspicious interpretation is that they are happily destroying public education in California so that they can clamor for more funding. Either way, it's awful.
The soft bigotry of low expectations indeed!
[Hat Tip: Jay Guevara]