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June 06, 2018
Strzok-Page Text Redacted by FBI, But Not by OIG, Shows Couple Discussing Possible Overseas Spying in 2015
It's not just that they were discussing this. It's that the FBI, the organization we're supposed to trust so much, is hiding information they know damn well is relevant to congressional investigations not for national security reasons but only because if reflects badly on them.
The leftist/NeverTrump defense here is that we don't know they were discussing siccing overseas spies on the Trump campaign; they might have been discussing deploying the overseas spies in any of a dozen other investigations.
But the FBI redacted this for some reason, didn't they?
People cover up abuses. They don't cover up business as usual.
Trump jumped on this, prematurely:
Again, we don't know for a fact, yet, that they were discussing "oconus lures" with respect to the Trump campaign specifically.
But were I betting man, I'd bet stacks of money that's what we find out this refers to. I'd guess it specifically refers to trying to "lure" Flynn into a compromising conversation.
And I think it's pretty obvious that Stephan Halper was one such "oconus lure," though not necessarily one of the oconus lures the kompromat couple was trying to get approved.

posted by Ace of Spades at
12:25 PM
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