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Mid-Morning Open Thread »
May 24, 2018
The Morning Report 5/24/18
Good morning kids. As we roll into Thursday, SPYGATE is the big story of the day. From Crooked Hillary to Little Marco and everyone in between who got tagged with a moniker, the President just put one out into the public consciousness that is going to stick, nay, be burned into the minds of everyone. And for good reason - because it's the emmes truth. For all who have been screaming for months for PDT to fire Mueller and be done with this, me included, I have to say that the President has played this one perfectly. That opinion crystallized for me only over the past month or so when Stormy Daniels became the latest surefire, mail-order Acme secret weapon that was going to bring down the President. Because as that happened all the talk of collusion with Russia evaporated as the facts came out and reached the American public, despite or in some cases because of the Agitprop Media's doubling, trebling and quadrupling down on it. And while that was happening, the conspirators kept changing their stories in a buffoonish, desperate attempt to preserve even a fig leaf of faux credibility. If it existed at all, it got blown to pieces with James Clapper's appearance with the shrieking yenta brigade known as The View, in which he admitted the existence of a spy within the Trump Campaign, but who was only there to investigate/uncover Russian interference within his campaign.
Really? I may be a dumb schlemiel who didn't get into the Ivy League, so pardon my Flatbush Avenue, low class unsophistication, but if that was the case, why didn't you have a spy embedded in the Hillary campaign? And maybe I'm too stupid to see the 12-dimensional chess moves, but I thought Trump was openly colluding with the Russians to sabotage the election in the first place. Naturally, Behar and company are too stupid to make these points. In practical terms, this chicken has been utterly f***ed to shreds. They know it, the President knows it, and now all America knows it. And by correctly tagging this horrific episode as Spygate, PDT has once again proven himself to be a master of messaging, as good or perhaps better than Ronald Reagan.
It all boils down to our national law enforcement and intelligence leadership, with the help of an unknown number of underlings, used their power under the cover of national security, to infiltrate the campaign of a presidential candidate with the express purpose of sabotaging it. And I will add, more than likely at the behest or minimally with the approval of both the outgoing President of the United States and the opposition candidate. To quote Stanislas Kuzawa "dis is moy-duh."
On the plus side, despite Mueller now practically begging a judge to delay a Russian collusion trial indefinitely (because the Ivy League peabrain just knew it never would come to trial), Rosensteinpenis now heading back to the House for a grilling and the Democrat-Left-Media complex on the defensive as we head into the summer before a crucial midterm election, the aforementioned Left cannot and will not let go of this. Ever. So we'll have to grin and bear it. And now we have Mueller extending the phony dragnet to Israel, which considering Obama and his underlings openly attempted to interfere in that country's elections a few years back in an attempt to oust Benjamin Netanyahu, the chutz-pocrisy is quite radiant. And if that doesn't convince you, check the link further down about the DoJ declining to prosecute an unnamed FBI special agent despite the nature of the charges. Dismantle it.
Now, moving on to immigration and amnesty, while a border patrol agent shot and killed an illegal alien as the group of border jumpers she was with attacked him, your House GOP is scrambling to try and come up with some sort of bill to thwart the disastrous discharge bill that is soon to come up for a debate. Hey, here's an idea; instead of trying to come up with "reforms" how about just enforcing laws that have been on the books for decades?! And then there's the story of some Koch-head krony stooge who's threatening Republican candidates with withholding donations if they don't pass Amnesty. Well, the GOP-e is not our party. So it's up to whomever is listening to this pig if the Chamber of Commerce is his constituency or if we are. That said, PDT is making the right moves on this, the latest being threatening to cut foreign aid from whence these invaders come.
On to the political front where Andrew Cuomo has pardoned convicted animals and given them voting rights, a notorious cop killer among them, after siding with MS-13 Nancy Palsi is now siding with the NFL miscreants, the winner of the Dem gubernatorial primary in Georgia reveals the absolute necessity of keeping the electoral college and repealing the 17th amendment, convicted felon Michael Grimm is attempting a comeback in NYC's lone GOP stronghold (feh), and contrasting viewpoints of Dem chances in the midterms, including from MR favorite Daniel Greenfield.
Internationally, the absolute correctness of PDT pulling out of the Iranian treaty has been demonstrated with the discovery of an heretofore unknown base in the desert where the Farsis are developing long range missiles, and there are reports of the Chi-Coms using some sort of sonic weapon, as the Cubans had a few months back, on US government employees in country.
On the Islam front, two general essays on the folly of trying to appease and/or integrate the ideology into western societies and jihad-watcher/expert Robert Spencer with a troubling example of the same - broken bottles, needles and other tokens of coexistence being planted in the sand on Canadian beaches.
Domestically, the tea leaves point to SCOTUS putting a huge torpedo into the NEA early next month, the House is eyeing welfare reform as big or bigger than in '96 and the President is looking into tariffs on cars and parts. From hither and yon, don't be fooled by the title of the link about banning guns; it's quite good despite the title.
Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.
- Limbaugh: Spygate! PDT Brands the Criminal Deep State Scandal of a Lifetime
- Mueller Rejects Speedy Trial Law to Delay Russia Collusion Trial
- Rod Rosen
steinpenis to Face Off with GOP Lawmakers Amid Questions About FBI Informant
- FBI Informant Stefan Halper Accused of Making "False" and "Absurd" Allegations About Russian Infiltration at Cambridge
- FBI Had No "Clear Criminal Predicate" for Trump Campaign Snoops
- The Hypocrisy of Mueller Now Investigating Collusion from Israel
- It's Time to Admit the Russia Investigation Was Illegitimate From the Start
- Border Patrol Agent Shoots, Kills Illegal Alien After Being Attacked by Group She Was In
- PDT Vows to Cut Foreign Aid over Illegal Immigration
- Politico: Blue State Krony Kapitalist Threatens GOP to Vote for Amnesty or No Donations
- GOP Leaders Scramble for Deal to Avoid Immigration Vote Showdown
- E-Mails Reveal Emanuel and Duncan Wanted to "Tap People's Emotions" Right After Sandy Hook
- Guns Don't Kill People But Gun Bans Do
- Amazon Demonetizes Conservative Legal Insurrection Website
- Thanks, Verified Liberals! Twitter Lawsuit Victory Over PDT Could Make Internet More Free
- Cuomo Grants Conditional Pardons to Convicted Animals So They Can Vote; Cop Killer Among Them
- Nancy Palsi Sides with NFL Players' Right to Be Disrespectful During National Anthem
- Stacey Abrams Defends Out-of-State Donations: Georgia is a "National State"
- Is Michael Grimm PDT's Comeback Kid?
- Palimieri: Dems Shouldn't Start with "Impeachment Trials" if Party Wins Majority
- Beware the Blue Wave
- Greenfield: Dem Hate Politics Will Cost Them a Second Election
- Pirate Attacks on the Rise in the Caribbean (Disney, Rum, Sodomy Hardest Hit - jjs)
- Secret Iranian Missile Base Discovered; Report Says Long Range Missiles Being Developed There
- US Official in China Reports Abnormal "Sensations of Sound and Pressure"
- The UK's FGM Clinics: When Multiculturalism Comes to Town
- Islam and the West Are Incompatible
- Spencer: Canada's Beach Jihad
- PDT Moves Toward Auto Import Tariffs with Call for Section 232 Investigation
- In Janus vs AFSCME, Leftist NEA Poised to Lose 300,000 Members
- The Decriminalization Delusion
- DoJ Declines to Prosecute FBI Agent Who Mishandled Classified Information, Gave Misleading Testimony, Provided False Information to IG
- House Ways & Means Committee Eyes Welfare Reform
- House Passes Prison Reform but Senate May Never See It
- Obamacare Failure: CDC Says Uninsured Rate Hasn't Budged in 3 Years
- K-12: History of the Conspiracy Against Reading
- Restoring the EPA's Scientific Integrity
- Maybe America Should Ban Guns
- Where is the "Social Conservative" Pushback Against the Rainbow Jihad and Judicial Immorality?
- Two Washington Women
ProRegressives on the Brink