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May 12, 2018
Chess Thread 05-12-2018
As always, the chess/dress pr0n thread is an open thread, so there is no such thing as an off-topic comment.
Easier Problem - Black To Play (PC 1255)
Hint: White's pieces are not well-placed on the back rank

4k2r/p1p2p1p/b1p2qpb/3P4/3r2P1/1BN1B3/PPP3PP/R1Q3KR b k - 0 1
More Challenging Problem - White To Play (668 )
Hint: start the king chase

8/R6p/1N2Nk2/3P4/5K2/7r/4b3/8 w - - 0 1
Chess Puzzle
Here's a fun chess puzzle. I stole it from the Ed Collins Chess Page:
What you're looking at is the lower right section of the chessboard. The goal is to make consecutive moves for White and maneuver the King to the f1 square without ever entering the g2 square. (You can't enter the g2 square... it's guarded by the Black knight!)
The three pawns never move and no piece may leave the 3x3 area.
Dress Pr0n For the 'Ettes:
(h/t The Political Hat)

Solutions Update
Easier Problem - Black To Play

4k2r/p1p2p1p/b1p2qpb/3P4/3r2P1/1BN1B3/PPP3PP/R1Q3KR b k - 0 1
White has two responses. The first is:
2.Nxd1 Qf1#
The second:
2.Qxd1 Bxe3#
Either line is a mate in 2 for Black.
More Challenging Problem - White To Play

8/R6p/1N2Nk2/3P4/5K2/7r/4b3/8 w - - 0 1
1.Nd7+ Kg6 (or 1...Kf7 2.Ne5+ (2.Ng5+ Kg6 3. Nxh3))
2.Ne5+ Kh6 (if 2...Kf6 then 3.Ng4+ Kg6 4.Rg7+ Kh5 5.Rxh7+ Kg6 6.Rxh3)
If 3.Rxh7+ then 3...Kxh7 4.Ng5+ Kg7 5.Nxh3 and the Nalimov Endgame Database says this position is a mate in 19. OK. But it's kind of tricky for White to advance the pawn without Black forcing a draw by trading his bishop for it.
This is why I prefer 3.Nf8. It threatens an immediate Rxh7# and now Black has to start giving up material to stay in the game
4.Nxf3 Bd3
Forces Black to trade off his last piece.
6.Nxh7 and wins.
Chess Puzzle
The goal is to make consecutive moves for White and maneuver the King to the f1 square without ever entering the g2 square. (You can't enter the g2 square... it's guarded by the Black knight!)
The three pawns never move and no piece may leave the 3x3 area.
Click on this link to see the answer. Warning: it's not short.
Hope to see you all next week!
Note: that cryptic line of letters and numbers you see underneath each board diagram is a representation of the position in what is known as "Forsyth-Edwards Notation", or F.E.N. It's actually readable by humans. Most computer applications nowadays can read FEN, so those of you who may want to study the position, you can copy the line of FEN and paste into your chess app and it should automatically recreate the position on its display board. Or, Windows users can just "triple click" on it and the entire line will be highlighted so you can copy and past it into your chess app.
So that about wraps it up for this week. Chess thread tips, suggestions, bribes, rumors, threats, and insults may be sent to my yahoo address: OregonMuse little-a-in-a-circle yahoo dott com.

posted by OregonMuse at
05:00 PM
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