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Tuesday Overnight Open Thread (5/1/18 ) »
May 01, 2018
Not Quite Overnight Open Thread
I like Sexton's headline here about Jordan Peterson's "Call to Adventure," referencing one of the first necessary steps in the hero's journey, as formalized by Joseph Campbell.
Many people (younger men, especially) seem to be inspired by Peterson's "stand up straight, pull your shoulders back, clean your room, make something of yourself" sort of straight-talk tough-love.
I really want to read this book. I would like to propose an Ace of Spades bookclub on it, maybe in a couple of weeks? Anyone game?
I didn't used to like self-help books, but that was when I was younger and assumed I pretty much had it all figured out. Now I read them once in a while. This seems like a non-skippable one.
The New York Times' Metro Editor resigns after an "internal investigation" reveals... something the NYT won't comment on.
Mueller says he may subpoena Trump. I say he should tell him to stuff it.

posted by Ace of Spades at
08:19 PM
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