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March 30, 2018
Bill Clinton's Census Asked About Citizenship, Back in the Previous Millennium
2000 was part of the last millennium, remember. The true Millennium didn't begin until 2001.
There's a flashback to a dumb argument you never cared about.
Anyway, I read a media article when I covered this. The article said that the citizenship question had been "long-abandoned." But they didn't say when it was abandoned. I didn't want to repeat their vague, sketchy claim that the question had been "long-abandoned" so I just said something like "It had been used previously."
You want to know what "long-abandoned" means to the media? They mean Obama abandoned it in 2010.
The previous census, done as one of Bill Clinton's final administrative acts, did ask it.
So that's the media's mindset -- they really do believe in Spike Lee's formulation that there is a "Before Obama" and an "After Obama" world, and the "Before Obama" world is an ancient and forgotten one.
posted by Ace of Spades at
05:42 PM
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